php Programming Glossary: reuse
PDO MySQL: Use PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES or not? but I don't think MySQL does this. So if you do not reuse your prepared statement object for multiple queries your overall..
Type casting for user defined objects simply run time contracts. The following is still valid reuse the classes from above function tellToSayHello Alpha a a sayHello..
How to switch from POST to GET in PHP CURL That completes successfully but later on when I try to reuse the connection and switch back to GET using the setopts above..
Stop using `global` in PHP other part in your codebase you simply cannot test use or reuse any part of it individually. That simply devolves into chaos... a new logger which logs to the database note that it reuses the same db as earlier log new Log db creates a new Foo instance..
Any way to keep curl's cookies in memory and not on disk disk but it will keep them around in memory as long as you reuse the handle and don't call curl_easy_cleanup . share improve..
What is a class in PHP? with which to interact with these. This fosters code reuse and improves maintainability. Imagine a Lock namespace MyExample.. but with a separate Lock class you don't have to and can reuse the Lock. doorLock new Lock myDoor new Door doorLock chestLock..
Getting the name of a child class in the parent class (static context) class static context I'm building an ORM library with reuse and simplicity in mind everything goes fine except that I got..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) COMMIT Have a look at LAST_INSERT_ID to reuse autoincrement values. Edit you said After all this time trying..
When *not* to use prepared statements? selling points of prepared statements is being able to reuse them which I never will. Here's my setup The statements are..
(When) should I use type hinting in PHP? the classes and leverages the code modularization and reuse. It feels like type hints split the language into 2 dialects..
Resize images with PHP
How can I properly use a PDO object for a Select query or not. I also read that you can prepare the queries for reuse but I wasn't sure how this helps. php mysql select pdo share..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones reusable anyway there are interdependent. Forget about reuse in this case. No idea where to put Behat features and step definitions... to structure bundles intended to be shared with others and reused across numerous projects. I write bundles of this type as well... there is a difference between the bundles intended for reuse and the app specific ones one approach doesn't fit all. And..
php singleton database connection, is this code bad practice? singleton and any class that uses it. This means you can't reuse the classes in question without reusing the singleton too. They..
Persistent/keepalive HTTP with the PHP Curl library? box 300 sec . I imagine this is simply because I open and reuse a single connection to the database server but every single.. be made to open a keepalive session What does it take to reuse a connection is it as simple as reusing the cURL handle resource.. when it has finished processing and not be pooled for reuse. So Yes actually it should re use connections by default as..