php Programming Glossary: reverse
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? count n EDIT Jitters wanted the version that supports reverse polish notation. Reminds me of my college days when I had an..
Caching HTTP responses when they are dynamically created by PHP header and ETag response header in order to implement a reverse proxy cache system. Even though I know this far I'm not sure..
Converting words to numbers in PHP the conversion from numbers to words. Not so many for the reverse direction. The best I could find was some pseudo code on Ask..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability always more that up to date data on the website Using a reverse proxy The first thing that could be really useful is using a.. The first thing that could be really useful is using a reverse proxy like varnish in front of your webserver let it cache as.. need to be always served by Apache So you can have the reverse proxy cache all those. Serving those static files is no big..
Sorting multidimensional array in PHP ranking entires to the top of the array . If you want reverse behavior change this elseif aScore bScore to elseif aScore bScore..
HTTP_HOST vs. SERVER_NAME the server attempts to deduce the hostname by performing a reverse lookup on the IP address. If no port is specified in the ServerName..
Performance of FOR vs FOREACH in PHP steps of anything more than 1 no negative steps either ie. reverse iteration . I'm also not interested in a traversal to and from..
Why check both isset() and !empty() empty is analogous to isset foo foo . I.e. empty does the reverse thing of isset plus an additional check for the truthiness of..
Is it safe to trust $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']? case you may want to be worry of is if you are behind a reverse proxy in which case the REMOTE_ADDR will always be the IP of..
How to turn off magic quotes on shared hosting? use an .htaccess file to do this OR implement a script to reverse the effects of magic quotes. Something like this if in_array..
What is the best way to stop people hacking the PHP-based highscore table of a Flash game attacker from forging high scores Flash is even easier to reverse engineer than you might think it is since the bytecodes are..
PHP generate file for download then redirect The common thing e.g. in popular download sites is the reverse first you go to the after page and then the download starts...
How to make a real time “User is typing” notice to all in chat [closed] on the request response model of the Web using Comet or Reverse AJAX. Web 1.0 In traditional Web 1.0 implementations such as.. when the number of connected clients scale up. Comet Reverse AJAX Since the server cannot initiate responses to the browser..
sent mail will going to spam folder? code.html Make sure the computer sending the email has a Reverse PTR record Configure DomainKeys Identified Mail in your DNS..
How to make a calculator in PHP? Yard algorithm on it to convert the input into a RPN Reverse Polish Notation stack. Then it's just a matter of executing..
how to avoid email header Received: from unknown and email going to spam with SMTP 14 Jan 2013 14 55 59 0000 We have Reverse DNS set. is resolved to
User recognition without cookies or local storage Javascript HTML5 LocalStorage HTML5 Geolocation API and Reverse Geocoding Architecture OS Language System Time Screen Resolution..
Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location..
Mark text in HTML of nodes for each match splitted at the edges of the text. Reverse iterate to avoid the splitting changing nodes we have yet to..
Why is my e-mail still being picked up as spam? Using mail() function a nutshell Make sure the computer sending the email has a Reverse PTR record Configure DomainKeys Identified Mail in your DNS..
Advice for implementing simple regex (for bbcode/geshi parsing) the replacement filters content this _preFilter content Reverse the nobbc markup content preg_replace '~ nobbc . nobbc ~ie'..
Reverse Ajax implementation using php Ajax implementation using php I am looking to implement reverse..
Geographical coordinates to street names share improve this question Yes just use the Reverse Geocoding function in the Google Maps API http http apis maps documentation geocoding #ReverseGeocoding Here's some example code lat 38.115583 long 13.37579..
Iterate in reverse through an array with PHP - SPL solution? through an array with PHP SPL solution Is there an SPL Reverse array iterator in PHP And if not what would be the best way.. iterate spl share improve this question There is no ReverseArrayIterator to do that. You can do reverted new ArrayIterator.. data or make that into your own custom iterator e.g. class ReverseArrayIterator extends ArrayIterator public function __construct..
PHP array Encoding and Decoding:Need a function for encoding and decoding string or array with delimiters or array itself pattern this DecodePattern this DecodePattern this Pattern Reverse the pattern this PatternFlip pattern make into an array ar explode.. MakePattern len 10 possible letters E Base64 Encode R Reverse String I Inverse Case poss array 'E' 'R' 'I' generate a string..
PHP Reverse Preg_match Reverse Preg_match if preg_match . filter . i node echo node This code..
eval base64_decode php virus and malicious files have been removed. 8 Open the Doors Reverse the changes made in the .htaccess file in Step 1. Watch carefully...
Web based text chat? Comet also known as Ajax Push is often refered as Reverse AJAX . Instead of pulling the information from the server in..