php Programming Glossary: road
Is there any possible way to find the name of the country using IP with scripting language PHP? would be to use the data provided by MaxMind. If down the road you find yourself in need of more granular geographic data i.e...
Pass Javascript variable to PHP via ajax to php userID however i've gone wrong somewhere along the road. Thanks for the help php javascript ajax share improve this..
PHP - Getting rid of curly apostrophes sort of rich text doc I imagine and I seem to be hitting a road block. The code below isn't working for me. word Today ™s search..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? simple web stats script. The only major obstacle on the road as far as I can see is telling human visitors apart from bots...
php regular expression to match specific url pattern with . http ' Note that using Regex to match HTML is the road to madness. Regex matches string patterns and knows nothing..
Where can I learn web programming from start to mastery? I started 7 years ago. In my personal experience your road to programming will look something like this HTML CSS Javascript..
Distance between two addresses the distance between 2 addresses. Ideally I prefer road distance but I don't care too much about what kind of distance..
PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System You might need to take that into account. Down that road lies madness and configuration systems. In order to make plugins..
Secure shared Google Calendar its flexibility A couple of the office workers work on the road all have android phones so the calendar can be shared with those..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation uses DRI so we can test that and get it out of the road early. You have to check for your specific version of MySQL...
Upload progress using pure PHP/AJAX? SWFUpload or similar I know all about it. Been down that road. I'm looking for a 100 pure solution and yes I know I probably..
how to store configurations for php app — xml or ini or db to provide the most flexibility if we add fields down the road Coding convenience If I use a db I'll have to use a separate..
fb_exchange_token for PHP only working once user removes app up to the app and is now depreciated. In the developer road map it talks about fb_exchange_token which will extend the access..