php Programming Glossary: risk
Remove index.php?route=common/home from OpenCart do a find and replace in the hardcode PHP files and risk upgrades or is there another way without vQmod php seo opencart..
migration to Yii framework with it. In management of projects there a subject risk management . And in this case adding a previously unused framework.. project would constitute a high probability an high impact risk which also due to the sage of project is completely unmitigated..
Security threats with uploads images I have to store them in my tmp folder. Isn't it risky How can I minimize the risk Also lets say I am using wget to.. in my tmp folder. Isn't it risky How can I minimize the risk Also lets say I am using wget to download the images from the.. images I have to store them in my tmp folder. Isn't it risky No. Just storing data in a file in a temp folder is not risky..
Deny direct access to all .php files except index.php would be nice so I don't need to go through all files. The risk is that I forget a file or line. UPDATE 2 The index.php is in..
Is SQL injection a risk today? [duplicate] SQL injection a risk today duplicate I've been reading about SQL injection attacks..
How to add scraped website data in database? of many sites then being blocked by one becomes less of a risk. Also it may be cost effect to install third party scraping..
Is it okay to use array[key] in PHP? the key's name is bad for at least two reasons There is a risk that it will not do what you expect which is very bad It might..
Short unique id in php of entries will not be that many up to 10000 or so the risk of collision isn't a huge factor. Any suggestions appreciated...
Should I use EAV model? to add new attributes into the model while minimizing the risk of breaking existing ORM and controller code. 4. Changes in..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” uses the same variable name. It is also a major security risk with register_globals turned on. E_NOTICE level error is issued..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? @Charles is extremely correct You put yourself at risk for multiple types of known SQL attacks including as you mentioned..
Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms being able to upload malicious php files big security risk I also need to be aware of people changing the extensions of.. being able to upload malicious php files big security risk Tip of the iceberg i also need to be aware of people changing.. images inline you can remove the cross site scripting risk by serving them from a different domain. For example use ˜
Cookie VS Session ID how will your application respond It's a security risk. Before sessions were all the rage I basically had my own implementation...
PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND) [closed] query. In PDO_MySQL there is no such limitation but you risk to be injected with multiple queries. From Protection against..
PHP Curl - Cookies problem # This file was generated by libcurl Edit at your own risk. TRUE FALSE 1317279600 session id time 1317279600l..
How to extend access token validity since offline_access deprecation needed to destroy the session afterwards to remove the risk of having two active sessions. Also the function no longer actually..
Is APC compatible with PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5? . If you are using it at all you are using it at your own risk. 2013 01 02 APC 3.1.14 is available adding PHP 5.5 compatibility..