php Programming Glossary: nextsibling
PHP - How to parse this xml? Parse Child 22 XMLData Name Nodes 23 24 25 Child Child nextSibling 26 27 return XMLData 28 29 31 XML EOF 32 cust rid 999999 memberid..
Inserting data in XML file with PHP DOM echo activities textContent.' br ' activities activities nextSibling. form name 'input' action 'insert.php' method 'post' insert..
PHP DOMElement::getElementsByTagName - Anyway to get just the immediate matching children? children or use XPath. for n parent firstChild n null n n nextSibling if n instanceof DOMElement n tagName xxx ... Example with XPath..
PHP XML - Inserting a XML node at a specific location ' refNode elements item 0 xml insertBefore newNode refNode nextSibling header 'Content Type text plain' echo xml saveXML The output..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position importNode dom_import_simplexml insert true if target_dom nextSibling return target_dom parentNode insertBefore insert_dom target_dom.. target_dom parentNode insertBefore insert_dom target_dom nextSibling else return target_dom parentNode appendChild insert_dom And..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? it is two nodes because the XML is formatted echo product nextSibling nodeName '#text' with whitespace and linebreak echo product.. '#text' with whitespace and linebreak echo product nextSibling nextSibling nodeName 'product' echo product nextSibling nextSibling.. with whitespace and linebreak echo product nextSibling nextSibling nodeName 'product' echo product nextSibling nextSibling nodeValue..
xPath insert before and after - With DOM and PHP next anchor firstChild while next NULL curr next next curr nextSibling if curr nodeName 'h4' curr attributes NULL curr attributes..
PHP Dom Remove element leave contents DOMNode from sibling from firstChild do next sibling nextSibling from parentNode insertBefore sibling from while sibling next..
DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper? node textContent keyword Split after the keyword node nextSibling splitText strlen keyword Replace keyword with b keyword b replacement..
How to replace glossary terms in HTML text with links? 0 parent original_node parentNode refnode original_node nextSibling parent removeChild original_node foreach matches 0 as i match..