php Programming Glossary: news
Using SimpleXML to create an XML object from scratch share improve this question Sure you can. Eg. php newsXML new SimpleXMLElement news news newsXML addAttribute 'newsPagePrefix'.. Sure you can. Eg. php newsXML new SimpleXMLElement news news newsXML addAttribute 'newsPagePrefix' 'value goes here'.. Sure you can. Eg. php newsXML new SimpleXMLElement news news newsXML addAttribute 'newsPagePrefix' 'value goes here' newsIntro..
PHP mutual exclusion (mutex) the hard disk Can anymore comfort me with a delightful news Edit Due to some replies I've got here I want to ask this My..
What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language? part of the job. Python ASTs are great example . The good news is that part of the job is done. The bad news is that machinery.. . The good news is that part of the job is done. The bad news is that machinery has a zillion assumptions built into it most..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords 52.679 bits of entropy for future security. But the good news is longer passwords and passwords with unicode characters really..
PHP & MYSQL: How to resolve ambiguous column names in JOIN operation? operation I have two tables in my database NEWS 'id' the news id 'user' the user id of the author USERS 'id' the user id I.. author USERS 'id' the user id I want to make a SELECT FROM news JOIN users ON news.user now when I get the results in.. user id I want to make a SELECT FROM news JOIN users ON news.user now when I get the results in PHP it's something..
Get title of website via link upon submitting the URL http news 2010 dec 3 debt panel fails test vote I want to return The Washington..
How to pass extra variables in URL with Wordpress in the url to my wordpress installation. For example news c 123 For some reason it works only on the website root if the url contains any more information news c 123 . I have the following code in my functions.php file in..
How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton hard in PHP? care where the data comes from. Introducing Mocks The good news is you can indeed replace all the dependencies by stubbing or..
Converting HTML to PDF using PHP? [duplicate] on pdflib if i remember right it takes even some CSS. Bad news slow when the html is big or many complex. HTML2PS same of DOMPDF..
How to create friendly URL in php? looks something like this RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ news 0 9 .html news.php news_id 1 And this maps requests from news.php.. like this RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ news 0 9 .html news.php news_id 1 And this maps requests from news.php news_id 63.. RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^ news 0 9 .html news.php news_id 1 And this maps requests from news.php news_id 63 to news..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 published only the compiled one. But there are good news . If you don't want to have the spare css in the public directories.....
Json Menu Structure from MySQL would have multiple entries such as 'history' 'Owners' 'News'. The structure I am trying to achieve is ` menu sections title.. name History id 0909 name Owners id 0910 name News id 0916 title Contact Us items name Address id 0949 .. brings About Us name History id 1 name Owners id 2 name News id 3 Contact Us name Address id 4 name Map id 5 Products..
export mysql result to excel is found here http modules.php name News file article sid 8 And here's my code Query Database query 'SELECT..
When will __destruct not be called in PHP? . this name . n obj new MyDestructableClass news new News news setUrl 'http test' news setHash 'http test' news setTitle..
PHP Twitter API - How to pull in multiple users tweets? OR operator. For example here is the URL for CNN Breaking News and NPR All Things Considered http search.json..
Format text in Excel file via PHP on this site http modules.php name News file article sid 8 It works but what I want to do now is format..
How to build unlimited level of menu through PHP and mysql 0 3 Photo Gallery 0 4 Home 0 5 Feedback 0 6 FAQs 0 7 News & Events 0 8 Testimonials 0 81 FACN 0 83 Organisation Structure..
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? the Twitter accounts of Britney Spears Barack Obama Fox News and others were hacked and #20 alone is how Chinese hackers..
Codeigniter: Best way to structure partial views headache to have this code in all the left nav links like News Users About Us etc.. But then again not every nav link has all..
PHP Reorder array to reflect parent / id hierarchy 3 name Partenaires 7 Array id 8 parent_id 2 name News So I come up with an array that reflects the hierarchy as shown..
Get title of website via link title of website via link Notice how Google News has sources on the bottom of each article excerpt. The Guardian.. on the bottom of each article excerpt. The Guardian ABC News Reuters Bloomberg I'm trying to imitate that. For example upon.. OUTPUT Washington Times Politics Breaking News US and World News As you can see it is not exactly what google..
Facebook user deauthorizes the app removes it in the App Dashboard or blocks the app in the News Feed your app can be notified by specifying a Deauthorize Callback..
How to write code for multilingual in php? [closed] html title Exercice title body php echo TXT_INDEX p br News php echo TXT_NEWS br Conseil du jour php echo TXT_CONSEIL_INDEX..
XML Feeds & PHP - Limit the number of items Limit the number of items I am pulling through the BBC News XML Feed. But what I want to do is limit it to say 8 or 10 items..
read cdata from a rss feed like this rss version 2.0 channel title CDATA News title link CDATA http link description CDATA.. link CDATA http link description CDATA News and reports from description language en us language..