php Programming Glossary: nicer
Changing locale with symfony 2.1
Apache Mod Rewrite For Laravel public directory. This is how I achieve it as I prefer the nicer looking virtual host rather then a long winded localhost URL...
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? parameter binding or can utilize something else from the nicer API it's a pointless switch. I hope it's portrayed simple enough..
Renaming files when downloading it the download he cannot resume it later. Is there any nicer way to rename files on download php share improve this question..
Is there a possibility of there ever being a PHP.NET? one wanted to work with .Net one would do better to use a nicer better structured language such as C#. share improve this answer..
Why can't I overload constructors in PHP? language design to not allow it or are other languages nicer than PHP php oop overloading constructor share improve this..
List of Big-O for PHP functions union is a bit faster than array_merge and looks nicer . But it does work differently so keep that in mind. shuffle..
Simple test vs PHPunit over 2 year ago . Subjective PHPUnit provides much nicer code coverage reports than Simpletest With PHPUnit you also..
What unit testing in PHP to start [duplicate] released over a year ago Subjective PHPUnit provides much nicer code coverage reports than Simpletest With PHPUnit you also..
PHP: array_merge & array_unique a b must be working however I believe there is a nicer way to do this. eg. a array 0 0 1 1 2 2 b array 0 2 1 3 2 4..
Mixing PHP variable with string literal to separate it. Because of course this works which is much nicer in the echo line test cheese y 'y' echo test y php variables..
Subtract time in PHP time subtraction share improve this question A bit nicer is the following a new DateTime '08 00' b new DateTime '16 00'..
Load block outside Magento, and apply current template block toHtml But I want and believe that it's possible a nicer approach. I dislike the fact that I must specify the template..
Best way to populate a <SELECT> box with TimeZones a bounty in case that might entice somebody to share a nicer answer with us. php share improve this question function..
uploading a file via ajax with php The cool thing about this solution is that it comes with a nicer interface such as loading indicators and thumbnails and such...
How to properly generate exceptions in PHP/Dojo when returning javascript code all eval error types... which I am not really proud of. A nicer way could be by getting the parent object of the errorMessage..
PHP: Delete first four lines from the top in content stored in a variable someone is going to come up with something nifty shorter nicer but how about str implode n array_slice explode n str 4 If that..
Get total of balance in Paypal account files developer nvp_GetBalance_php.txt Written a little nicer php Configurations environment 'live' 'sandbox' 'beta sandbox'..
“Safe” markdown processor for PHP? like footnote support is unnecessary .. It also seems nicer parsing only the bold text and having everything escaped to..
PHP sessions in a load balancing cluster - how? violating a dozen best coding practices. It would be much nicer if I could just flip some global configuration option and Voil..