php Programming Glossary: nl2br
PHP: Validation of US Phone numbers return true example usage validation new Validation echo nl2br print_r validation validate 'phone' '555 555 1212' true echo.. validation validate 'phone' '555 555 1212' true echo nl2br print_r validation validate 'phone' ' 555 555 1212' true echo.. validation validate 'phone' ' 555 555 1212' true echo nl2br print_r validation validate 'phone' '555 555 1212' true echo..
convert url to links from string except if they are in a attribute of a html tag ' s ^ https a z0 9_. i' ' a href 2 target _blank 2 a ' nl2br _POST 'content' . content preg_replace ' s ^ www . a z0 9_...
br2nl Replace All XHTML/HTML Line Breaks with Newlines in PHP all instances of br and br with newlines n . Much like the nl2br function but the opposite. I know there are several solutions..
Preserve Line Breaks From TextArea When Writing To MySQL this question Two solutions for this PHP function nl2br e.g. echo nl2br This r nis n ra nstring r will output This br.. Two solutions for this PHP function nl2br e.g. echo nl2br This r nis n ra nstring r will output This br is br a br string..
PHP access all $_POST[] variables into an array? emails array_keys email foreach emails as email echo ' ' . nl2br email emailadd new email_save emailadd insert_email_into_database..
Replacing \r\n with PHP want to retain the formatting for output to HTML then the nl2br function will help you. If you want to output to HTML without..
Capture newline from a textarea input
Inserting text from textarea into MySQL database without losing formatting of new lines then you could run the string through the nl2br text function before storing in or retrieving from the database...
Why does PHP echo'd text lose it's formatting? Thanks php formatting share improve this question Use nl2br . New lines are ignored by browser. That's why you see all text.. browser. That's why you see all text without line breaks. nl2br converts new lines to br tags that are displayed as new lines..
Replacing a newline with a <br> - PHP please php html forms share improve this question nl2br would do what you want I think. php str n nfoo nbar echo nl2br..
Removing redundant line breaks with regular expressions I thought about converting all line breaks to br s using nl2br but that seemed unnecessary. My question Using regular expressions..