php Programming Glossary: new_post
Wordpress Front End Form to Publish/Draft Posts directly 'REQUEST_METHOD' empty _POST 'action' _POST 'action' new_post Do some minor form validation to make sure there is content.. tags _POST tags post_cat _POST 'cat' ADD THE FORM INPUT TO new_post ARRAY new_post array 'post_title' title 'post_content' description.. post_cat _POST 'cat' ADD THE FORM INPUT TO new_post ARRAY new_post array 'post_title' title 'post_content' description 'post_category'..
wp_insert_post with a form title _POST 'post_title' post content _POST 'post_content' new_post array 'post_title' ' post title' 'post_content' ' post content'.. 'post_author' user_ID if isset submitted wp_insert_post new_post form method post action input type text name post_title size.. this question This should work. php if isset _POST 'new_post' '1' post_title _POST 'post_title' post_category _POST 'cat'..