php Programming Glossary: newinstanceargs
Instantiating a new PHP class with one or many arguments create a new instance using the args command reflectionObj newInstanceArgs args this is the same as new myCommand 'a' 'b' To shorten it..
Is there a call_user_func() equivalent to create a new class instance? improve this question ReflectionClass newInstance or newInstanceArgs let's you do that. e.g. class Foo public function __construct.. join ' ' p ' invoked' rc new ReflectionClass 'Foo' foo rc newInstanceArgs array 1 2 3 4 5 edit without ReflectionClass and probably php4.. 'reflection' function rc new ReflectionClass 'Foo' obj rc newInstanceArgs array 1 2 3 4 'reflection cached' function use rcStatic obj..
How to call the constructor with call_user_func_array in PHP like reflect new ReflectionClass class instance reflect newInstanceArgs args As of PHP 5.6.0 the ... operator can also be used for this..
Call a constructor from variable arguments with PHP new ReflectionClass 'yourClassName' instance reflection newInstanceArgs yourArrayOfConstructorArguments share improve this answer..
Pass variable number of variables to a class in PHP reflection new ReflectionClass 'A' myObject reflection newInstanceArgs compact varNames class A function A print_r func_get_args ..
Php dynamic class construction php share improve this question ReflectionClass newInstanceArgs seems to be just the thing you're looking for. share improve..
Pass arguments from array in php to constructor [duplicate] question You can use the Reflection API ReflectionClass newInstanceArgs Creates a new class instance from given arguments. Example reflector..
Forward undefined number of arguments to another function args for object creation use ReflectionClass newInstanceArgs refClass new ReflectionClass 'yourClassName' obj refClass newInstanceArgs.. refClass new ReflectionClass 'yourClassName' obj refClass newInstanceArgs yourConstructorArgs or ReflectionClass newinstance refClass..
Dynamically call Class with variable number of parameters in the constructor new ReflectionClass myClass myClassInstance reflection newInstanceArgs myParameters PHP manual http manual en reflectionclass.newinstanceargs.php..