php Programming Glossary: newimage
Imagick on heroku - is it possible? something wrong code works locally tlo new Imagick tlo newImage 640 480 new ImagickPixel 'white' tlo setImageFormat 'jpg' Is..
How do i resize and convert an uploaded image to a PNG using GD image type ' . type create a new blank image newImage imagecreatetruecolor width height Copy the old image to the.. Copy the old image to the new image imagecopyresampled newImage image 0 0 0 0 width height width_orig height_orig Output to.. Output to a temp file destFile tempnam imagepng newImage destFile Free memory imagedestroy newImage if is_file destFile..
How do I resize pngs with transparency in PHP? imagecreatefrompng filename imagesavealpha this image true newImage imagecreatetruecolor width height Make a new transparent image.. keep the alpha channel background imagecolorallocatealpha newImage 255 255 255 127 imagecolortransparent newImage background imagealphablending.. newImage 255 255 255 127 imagecolortransparent newImage background imagealphablending newImage false imagesavealpha..
Most Efficient Way to Create Thumbnails? newwidth intval ratio width newheight intval ratio height newImage imagecreatetruecolor newwidth newheight exts array gif jpg jpeg.. imagecreatefrompng source break imagecopyresampled newImage sourceImage 0 0 0 0 newwidth newheight width height Output file.. depending on type switch ext case jpg case jpeg imagejpeg newImage destination break case gif imagegif newImage destination break..
Newbie having issues with uploading a file using ASIHTTPRequest CGSizeMake 320 480 im drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 320 480 newImage UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext.. NSData imageData UIImageJPEGRepresentation newImage 0.5 and it started working the height and width of the captured..
Issues porting PHP/GD wrapper to Imagick scale array size 0 size 1 image new IMagick image newImage scale 0 scale 1 new ImagickPixel 'white' input cropImage size..
php imagick convert PNG to jpg this question Found a solution white new Imagick white newImage width height white white compositeimage image Imagick COMPOSITE_OVER..