php Programming Glossary: nickname
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables would probably get old quickly so a simple way is to nickname the table like this select a.ID b.model from cars a join models..
How to fix badly formatted JSON in PHP? saved the file and changed it to single quotes around the nickname of Dave then everything worked. json_string file_get_contents.. to pre process the file backslash the double quotes of the nickname Or change them to single quotes Is it even a good idea to store..
how to allow users logged in to UPDATE / EDIT their profile settings/information logged in to edit update their other settings such as 1 nickname 2 country 3 date of birth 4 gender 5 motto and 6 bio I'll provide.. I'd need to create variables for each column too such as nickname _POST 'nickname' country _POST 'country' etc...or is that not.. variables for each column too such as nickname _POST 'nickname' country _POST 'country' etc...or is that not correct RE EDIT..
Best way to implement Single-Sign-On with all major providers? 'name' we should parse the facebook link to get the nickname 'contact email' 'email' if id 0 requested_attributes unserialize..
Implementing PHP chat in members site into the system instead of letting them choose their own nickname . The sample includes PHP source code for the script that gets..
JSON Parsing with PHP 04T14 26 57Z event_roles user long_name Fusion Single nickname event_items starting_at 2011 11 07T00 00 00Z I've tried the..