php Programming Glossary: newinstance
PHP Fatal error: 'Swift_TransportException' with message 'Failed to authenticate on SMTP server I initialize the transport transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 465 'ssl' I've tried to telnet to Create the Transport transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 465 'ssl' setUsername '' setPassword.. Mailer using your created Transport mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport htmlbody 'some html here' Create a message message..
Batch Send Email with SwiftMailer 'swift lib swift_required.php' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 25 setUsername.. mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 25 setUsername 'myUserName' setPassword.. new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin 9 message Swift_Message newInstance setSubject 'Let 's get together today.' setFrom array ''..
Is there a call_user_func() equivalent to create a new class instance? class php4 share improve this question ReflectionClass newInstance or newInstanceArgs let's you do that. e.g. class Foo public.. improve this question ReflectionClass newInstance or newInstanceArgs let's you do that. e.g. class Foo public function __construct.. join ' ' p ' invoked' rc new ReflectionClass 'Foo' foo rc newInstanceArgs array 1 2 3 4 5 edit without ReflectionClass and probably..
Using php's swiftmailer with gmail br ' create the transport transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 587 setUsername ''.. setPassword 'softrain1234' transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 587 setUsername ''.. 'password' echo 'line 40 br ' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message newInstance 'Wonderful Subject'..
trying to send mail using swift mailer, gmail smtp, php lib swift_required.php' transport Swift_SmtpTransport newInstance '' 465 setUsername '' setPassword 'pass'.. '' setPassword 'pass' mailer Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message newInstance 'Wonderful Subject'.. Swift_Mailer newInstance transport message Swift_Message newInstance 'Wonderful Subject' setFrom array '' 'MY NAME' setTo..