php Programming Glossary: loadxml
Fetch specific tag with an attribute value from XML authtoken XXX scope crmapi doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML file_sales_content xpath new DOMXPath doc items xpath evaluate.. But finally I got some warning like Warning DOMDocument loadXML domdocument.loadxml Start tag expected ' ' not found in Entity.. authtoken XXX scope crmapi doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML xml xpath new DOMXPath doc items xpath evaluate ' FL @val Sales..
Assigning xml generated by a while loop to a variable dom formatOutput TRUE enable automatic indenting dom loadXML ' users ' set root node foreach result as row create user details..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom too. Setup dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE dom loadXML html xpath new DOMXPath dom nodes xpath query ' text contains..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? dom formatOutput TRUE dom preserveWhiteSpace FALSE dom loadXML ' pages ' How to set a valid id attribute when not using a DTD.. XML. Load the XML we created above dom new DOMDocument dom loadXML xml Now for some tests echo n n GETELEMENTBYID RETURNS ELEMENT..
php: using DomDocument whenever I try to write UTF-8 it writes the hexadecimal notation of it #x5D9 #x5E8 #x5D5 #x5E9 #x5DC #x5D9 #x5DD root So if you loadXML something make sure it is dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml '..
format xml string do dom new DOMDocument dom preserveWhiteSpace FALSE dom loadXML ' root foo bar baz bar foo root ' dom formatOutput TRUE echo..
DOM parser that allows HTML5-style </ in <script> tag document as XML and save it as HTML d new DOMDocument d loadXML ' script id foo td bar td script ' echo d saveHTML But of course..
How can I convert a docx document to html using php? from a string Skip errors and warnings xml DOMDocument loadXML data LIBXML_NOENT LIBXML_XINCLUDE LIBXML_NOERROR LIBXML_NOWARNING..
Printing content of a XML file using XML DOM dom new DOMDocument dom preserveWhiteSpace FALSE dom loadXML xml foreach dom getElementsByTagName 'telefon' as telefon node.. contents of any DOMText children dom new DOMDocument dom loadXML ' root p Hello em World em p root ' node dom documentElement..
Unable to find the wrapper “https” - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? retrieve_website.php on line 29 Warning DOMDocument loadXML domdocument.loadxml Empty string supplied as input in C xampp..
Extract text from doc and docx XML from a string Skip errors and warnings xml DOMDocument loadXML data LIBXML_NOENT LIBXML_XINCLUDE LIBXML_NOERROR LIBXML_NOWARNING..
unable to scrape content from a website I have modified my code a bit as pointed out and used loadXML instead of loadHTML . but this gives me error as Entity 'nbsp'..
How do you rename a tag in SimpleXML through a DOM object? oldNode Which you can use this way dom new DOMDocument dom loadXML ' foo bar x 1 y 2 x baz y quux z bar foo ' oldNode dom getElementsByTagName..
PHP simpleXML how to save the file in a formatted way? dom preserveWhiteSpace false dom formatOutput true dom loadXML simpleXml asXML echo dom saveXML share improve this answer..
Ignore html tags in preg_replace for d ' s' n strlen search search doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML str xp new DOMXPath doc anchor doc getElementsByTagName 'body'..
Connecting to WS-Security protected Web Service with PHP make it modifiable. domRequest new DOMDocument domRequest loadXML request modify XML using the DOM API e.g. get the s Header tag..
read files in folder render dom new DOMDocument dom formatOutput TRUE dom loadXml ' select name vids ' dom documentElement appendChild new DOMElement..
php: using DomDocument whenever I try to write UTF-8 it writes the hexadecimal notation of it which means dom new DOMDocument '1.0' 'utf 8' dom loadXml ' root ' missing prolog dom documentElement appendChild new.. loadXML something make sure it is dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml ' xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 root ' dom documentElement..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link this text strong content span a p ' dom new DOMDocument loadXml needs properly formatted documents so it's better to use loadHtml..
How to import XML string in a php DOMDocument DOM is to use one new DOMDocument two new DOMDocument one loadXml ' root foo one foo root ' two loadXml ' root bar sub two sub.. new DOMDocument one loadXml ' root foo one foo root ' two loadXml ' root bar sub two sub bar root ' bar two documentElement firstChild..
php count xml elements OfferName OfferNameList root XML dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml xml count all OfferName elements echo dom getElementsByTagName..
How can I use XPath and DOM to replace a node/element in php? id another_div div div div HTML dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml html use loadHTML if it's invalid XHTML create replacement replacement.. comprehensive I'll give an example dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml html use loadHTML if its invalid X HTML create the new element..
PHP/XPath: find text node that “starts with” a particular string? brown fox p body HTML Code dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml html xp new DOMXPath dom echo xp evaluate 'count body p 3 contains.. XPath through the regular API dom new DOMDocument dom loadXml html thirdPara dom getElementsByTagName 'p' item 2 echo strpos..
X/Html Validator in PHP dom new DOMDocument dom load 'book.xml' see docs for load loadXml loadHtml and loadHtmlFile if dom validate echo This document..
Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php) the new document. With DOM oldXml new DOMDocument oldXml loadXml old query array foreach oldXml getElementsByTagName 'product'.. query implode 'or' query newXml new DOMDocument newXml loadXml new xp new DOMXPath newXml foreach xp query sprintf ' products..