php Programming Glossary: loadhtml
PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (?? lt h1 body html HTML dom new DomDocument 1.0 utf 8 dom loadHTML html header Content Type text html charset utf 8 echo dom saveHTML.. share improve this question As told in chat DOMDocument loadHTML expects a HTML string. HTML uses the ISO 8859 1 encoding ISO.. You want to have it either converted into an encoding loadHTML can deal with. That can be done by converting all outside of..
Disable warnings when loading non-well-formed HTML by DomDocument (PHP) xmlDoc new DomDocument this dumps out the warnings xmlDoc loadHTML fetchResult This @ xmlDoc loadHTML fetchResult can suppress.. out the warnings xmlDoc loadHTML fetchResult This @ xmlDoc loadHTML fetchResult can suppress the warnings but how can I capture.. xmlDoc new DomDocument caller new ErrorTrap array xmlDoc 'loadHTML' this doesn't dump out any warnings caller call fetchResult..
PHP HTML DomDocument getElementById problems dom validateOnParse true load the html into the object dom loadHTML html var_dump dom belement dom getElementById bid var_dump belement.. b . body html ' dom validateOnParse true this first dom loadHTML html 'cause 'load' 'parse dom preserveWhiteSpace false belement..
PHP Parse HTML code [duplicate] jumps over the lazy brown FROG' DOM new DOMDocument DOM loadHTML str get all H1 items DOM getElementsByTagName 'h1' display all..
Get Title and Meta Tags of External site parsing begins here doc new DOMDocument @ doc loadHTML html nodes doc getElementsByTagName 'title' get and display..
Grabbing the href attribute of an A element . Here is how to do it with DOM dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html foreach dom getElementsByTagName 'a' as node echo dom saveHtml.. href attribute directly with XPath dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom nodes xpath query ' a @href' foreach..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? textnodes of anchor elements. dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html xPath new DOMXPath dom texts xPath query ' html body text..
DOMDocument saveHTML without HTML wrapper? text what happens to jasmine tea. d new DOMDocument @ d loadHTML content x new DOMXpath d count x evaluate count text contains.. remove the nodes directly after loading the document with loadHTML # remove DOCTYPE doc removeChild doc firstChild # remove html..
DOMDocument in php is crap or information inside it dom new DOMDocument @ dom loadHTML html xpath new DOMXPath dom tags xpath query '. div @id showContent..
PHP + DOMDocument: outerHTML for element? inside a string here's my code doc new DOMDocument doc loadHTML content foreach doc getElementsByTagName a as link url link..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP a array like format. DoMDocument dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html body p Hello World p body html var_dump dom or something.. a function called xmltree_dump dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html body p Hello World p body html iterator new DOMRecursiveIterator.. key value echo value . n Usage dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML html body p Hello World p body html xmltree_dump dom documentElement..
how to use dom php parser div body html ' dom_document new DOMDocument dom_document loadHTML html use DOMXpath to navigate the html with the DOM dom_xpath..
Replacing image src in HTML tags? asXML Note that you will need something like DOMDocument loadHtml if your html is not xhtml i.e. valid xml but the idea remains..
What regex pattern do I need for this? i' 'colour' ' bmeter b i' 'metre' doc new DOMDocument doc loadHtml htmlString process doc replaceRules htmlString doc saveHTML..
DomDocument class unable access domnode php function makePlainText source dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtmlFile source use this instead of loadHtmlFile to load from string.. DOMDocument dom loadHtmlFile source use this instead of loadHtmlFile to load from string dom loadHtml ' html title Hello title.. use this instead of loadHtmlFile to load from string dom loadHtml ' html title Hello title body Hello this site img src asdasd.jpg..
Regex Remove Images with style tag from Html We feed it to DOM like this dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml html dom normalizeDocument Now we query the DOM for all IMG..
Regex / DOMDocument - match and replace text not in a link fragments. The mb_convert_encoding is needed because loadHtml seems to has a bug with UTF 8 encoding see here and here . The.. needs properly formatted documents so it's better to use loadHtml but it needs a hack to properly handle UTF 8 encoding dom loadHtml.. but it needs a hack to properly handle UTF 8 encoding dom loadHtml mb_convert_encoding html 'HTML ENTITIES' UTF 8 xpath new DOMXPath..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph ' p foo b bar b p ' keyword 'foo' dom new DomDocument dom loadHtml string xpath new DomXpath dom elements xpath query ' contains.. array keywords maxStubSize 10 dom new DomDocument dom loadHtml string xpath new DomXpath dom results array maxStubHalf ceil..
PHP Dom Remove element leave contents here I have tried using the below. dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml mb_convert_encoding html 'HTML ENTITIES' UTF 8 xp new DOMXPath..
X/Html Validator in PHP DOMDocument dom load 'book.xml' see docs for load loadXml loadHtml and loadHtmlFile if dom validate echo This document is valid.. dom load 'book.xml' see docs for load loadXml loadHtml and loadHtmlFile if dom validate echo This document is valid n If you want..
Getting elements of a div from another page (PHP) before refering to the id doc validateOnParse true doc loadHtml file_get_contents 'http bla.php' var_dump doc getElementById..
Style unstyled links with DOM and xpath border 1px solid #000 test2 a ' dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml html dom normalizeDocument xpath new DOMXPath dom foreach xpath..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser data. Here is how to do it dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml html xp new DOMXPath dom foreach xp query ' text ancestor pre..
DOMDocument : how to get inner HTML as Strings separated by line-breaks? to explode or something like that dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml html xp new DOMXPath dom foreach xp query ' html body blockquote.. them when they are DOMText nodes dom new DOMDocument dom loadHtml html foreach dom getElementsByTagName 'p' item 0 childNodes..