php Programming Glossary: loader
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation json true the forp ui slightly modified sample ui loader to be called with profile FILE_TO_PROFILE doctype html html..
Database and OOP Practices in PHP get_db return new MyDbClass class Sms function __construct loader this loader loader function doSomething db this loader get_db.. new MyDbClass class Sms function __construct loader this loader loader function doSomething db this loader get_db db .... sms.. class Sms function __construct loader this loader loader function doSomething db this loader get_db db .... sms new..
Using PHP/Apache to restrict access to static files (html, css, img, etc) share improve this question I would consider using a PHP loader to handle authentication and then return the files you need... img src 'load_image.php image picture.jpg' . Your image loader can verify sessions check credentials etc. and then decide whether..
When to use Try Catch blocks cause that error exception. eg In ActionScript closing a loader that is not open will result in an error but the loader doesn't.. a loader that is not open will result in an error but the loader doesn't have an isOpen property to check so you're forced to.. blocks only to prevent fatal errors. In the case of AS's loader.close function this is good advice. That's a fatal error and..
iconv_strlen function causing execution timeout, running on MAMP 'UTF 8' This causes the error to come up endless spinning loader in browser but no error log message and the script goes beyond..
How can I send a ByteArray (from Flash) and some form data to php? 85 var jpgStream ByteArray jpgEncoder.encode bmpData var loader URLLoader new URLLoader configureListeners loader var header.. var loader URLLoader new URLLoader configureListeners loader var header URLRequestHeader new URLRequestHeader Content type.. URLRequestMethod.POST jpgStream loader.load request Note that the variables are passed as part of the..
Sending and receiving data from Flash AS3 to PHP sendData function sendData event MouseEvent void var loader URLLoader new URLLoader var urlreq URLRequest new URLRequest.. test.php var urlvars URLVariables new URLVariables loader.dataFormat URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES urlreq.method URLRequestMethod.POST.. cctxt.text urlvars.score scoretxt.text urlvars loader.addEventListener Event.COMPLETE completed loader.load urlreq..
Efficient PHP auto-loading and naming strategies have no particular scheme by default. I might have a loader function for this structure like this that gets registered with..
Symfony 2 load different template depending on user agent properties a little more than where to look for one You can specify loaders services for templating item in app config config.yml framework.. enable_annotations true templating engines twig loaders moby.loader default_locale locale trust_proxy_headers false.. true templating engines twig loaders moby.loader default_locale locale trust_proxy_headers false session ~ Then..
Symfony2 AJAX Login Vendor BundleName DependencyInjection BundleExtension.php loader new Loader YamlFileLoader container new FileLocator __DIR__.'.. container new FileLocator __DIR__.' .. Resources config' loader load 'services.yml' Then in your app's security configuration..
ZF2 + doctrine without composer to replace is the part about the autoloader factory Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory factory array 'Zend Loader StandardAutoloader'.. factory Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory factory array 'Zend Loader StandardAutoloader' array 'autoregister_zf' true 'namespaces'..
PHP runtime class modification Plugin instead of BaseImplementation . Zend Plugin Loader does something like this. It's the solution with least overhead..
Database and OOP Practices in PHP db Registry get_db db .... 'service locator' pattern class Loader function get_db return new MyDbClass class Sms function __construct.. doSomething db this loader get_db db .... sms new Sms new Loader automated container based dependency injection see for example..
How to add a view helper directory (zend framework) ones. object ArrayObject #71 3 exception object Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Exception #70 6 message protected string 151 Plugin.. ArrayObject #71 3 exception object Zend_Loader_PluginLoader_Exception #70 6 message protected string 151 Plugin by name.. Files Zend ZendServer share ZendFramework library Zend Loader PluginLoader.php line protected int 401 Best regards CĂ©dric..
Integrating external scripts with Zend Framework Autoloader and that's done as follows require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' loader Zend_Loader_Autoloader getInstance loader.. require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' loader Zend_Loader_Autoloader getInstance loader registerNamespace 'Project_' loader..
Can I use zend translate, date and cache as standalone class in my project? in some kind of common bootstrap file require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' Zend_Loader_Autoloader getInstance Then any.. file require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' Zend_Loader_Autoloader getInstance Then any classes that follow the PEAR..
phpunit throws Uncaught exception 'PHPUnit_Framework_Exception . ' .. library' get_include_path require_once 'Zend Loader Autoloader.php' require_once 'controllers ControllerTestCase.php'.. require_once 'controllers ControllerTestCase.php' Zend_Loader_Autoloader getInstance when I go to the command line run the..
Zend Framework 2 project example [closed] ready components we have now are Autoloader and Plugin Loader. You could also use them in your current ZF applications . ..
Symfony 2 load different template depending on user agent properties service services moby.loader class Acme AppBundle Twig Loader MobyFilesystemLoader arguments @templating.locator @service_container.. moby.loader class Acme AppBundle Twig Loader MobyFilesystemLoader arguments @templating.locator @service_container After that.. your loader service class namespace Acme AppBundle Twig Loader use Symfony Bundle FrameworkBundle Templating Loader FilesystemLoader..
Autoload custom library in Zend Framework 2.0 code require_once 'vendor ZendFramework library Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory.php' Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory factory.. library Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory.php' Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory factory array 'Zend Loader StandardAutoloader'.. Zend Loader AutoloaderFactory factory array 'Zend Loader StandardAutoloader' array 'prefixes' array 'Garvey' 'vendor..
Symfony2 AJAX Login DependencyInjection BundleExtension.php loader new Loader YamlFileLoader container new FileLocator __DIR__.' .. Resources.. BundleExtension.php loader new Loader YamlFileLoader container new FileLocator __DIR__.' .. Resources config' loader..