php Programming Glossary: location
Read pdf files with php for all the office furniture including text boxes of seat location. My goal is to read this file with PHP search the document for.. and coordinates in the file. This way I can map out seat locations x y coordinates. Is there any way to do this via PHP Or even..
How to properly set up a PDO connection the bootstrap stage. This approach would also give a clear location where to define the configuration that you use for connecting..
PHP Parse/Syntax Errors; and How to solve them? your program. It lists the supposed offending code location file and line number . And the moniker T_STRING on which code.. to understand that PHPs chunking on that particular location often indicates a typo in previous code lines . Solving syntax..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects code base. The new revision is deployed to the remote location via FTP Including some directory renaming chmodding importing.. of course. Unit tests residing in a predefined location are run. I am informed about their failure or success using.. optionally a end user changelog text file in a pre defined location gets updated with a pre defined part of the commit message It..
Reading and Writing Configuration Files out to web page e.g. sys info hostname host_name sys info location location ip set ip the strings inbetween could be any other.. page e.g. sys info hostname host_name sys info location location ip set ip the strings inbetween could be any other characters.. characters should be replaced with _POST host_name _POST location _POST ip etc. All these params gotten from the posted form...
Access a JavaScript variable from PHP I've got the form working OK but I want to also add geolocation data. Since I'm using Javascript specifically the Google Geolocation.. Since I'm using Javascript specifically the Google Geolocation API to get the location how do I access that information with.. specifically the Google Geolocation API to get the location how do I access that information with PHP when I'm submitting..
PHP: Remote file size without downloading file 1 if the file size could not be determined. @param url The location of the remote file to download. Cannot be null or empty. @return..
Getting the location from an IP address the location from an IP address I want to retrieve information like the.. so that I can customize my web page according to their location. Is there a good and reliable way to do this in PHP I am using..
Where are $_SESSION variables stored? or the server php share improve this question The location of the _SESSION variable storage is determined by PHP's session.save_path..
Create Subdomains on the fly with .htaccess (PHP) the .htaccess file and possibly redirecting to another location on the website I don't actually know. But any information to..
Finding cartesian product with PHP associative arrays arm Array 0 A 1 B 2 C gender Array 0 Female 1 Male location Array 0 Vancouver 1 Calgary How can I find the cartesian product.. should be this Array 0 Array arm A gender Female location Vancouver 1 Array arm A gender Female location Calgary 2.. Female location Vancouver 1 Array arm A gender Female location Calgary 2 Array arm A gender Male location Vancouver ...etc...
Get raw post data it myself. The solution I added this to my apache conf Location backend XXX.php SetEnvIf Content Type ^ multipart form data.. set Content Type NEW_CONTENT_TYPE e env NEW_CONTENT_TYPE Location This will change the Content Type of incoming request to XXX.php..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? else _SESSION 'id' mysql_result result 0 'id' #header Location . echo Hello _SESSION id php security encryption passwords..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] MM_qsChar . accesscheck . urlencode MM_referrer header Location . MM_restrictGoTo exit php require_once 'Connections speedycms.php'.. ' ' deleteGoTo . _SERVER 'QUERY_STRING' header sprintf Location s deleteGoTo mysql_select_db database_speedycms speedycms query_delete..
PHP page redirect question Yes you would use the header function. header Location http user.php Redirect browser exit It is..
How do I get the current time zone of MySQL?
Make curl follow redirects? here and just use Curl to grab the headers and extract the Location header from them ch curl_init curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_URL url..
Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP wiki contains a good explanation of this. Symlinks and Location header You could use symlinks and redirect to them just create.. to access a file and redirect the user to it using header Location . url_of_symlink Obviously you'll need a way to prune them either.. or in the apache config. Access control by IP and Location header Another hack is to generate apache access files from..
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example in a _SESSION variable and then validate.php calls header 'Location as appropriate . The submitted.php of invalid_input.php in case.. as database updates here. Redirect to this page. header Location . _SERVER 'REQUEST_URI' exit Use REQUEST_URI . Do not use PHP_SELF..
How to make a redirect in PHP? before the DOCTYPE ... declaration for example . header 'Location '. newURL 2. Important details die header Location myOtherPage.php.. header 'Location '. newURL 2. Important details die header Location myOtherPage.php die Why you should use die The Daily WTF Absolute.. a relative URL will be accepted too. Status Codes PHP's Location header still uses the HTTP 302 redirect code but this is not..
Headers already sent by PHP be sent after premature output still. So when header Location ... redirects fail siliently it's good to probe for warnings... use an idiom like this for final code paths exit header Location finished.html Preferrably even a utility function which prints.. Please click on this link a href ... else exit header Location user.php HTML meta tag workaround If your application is structurally..
PHP generate file for download then redirect built and the download prompt is sent. Just adding header Location newpage to the end didn't work expectedly so I'm not sure how..
Create .ics file dynamically n echo LAST MODIFIED 20091109T101015Z n echo LOCATION event_query_row location n echo PRIORITY 5 n echo SEQUENCE 0.. X MS OLK ALLOWEXTERNCHECK TRUE n echo X MS OLK AUTOFILLLOCATION FALSE n echo X MS OLK CONFTYPE 0 n Here is to set the reminder..
Can't get constant from dynamic class using namespaces Example use Some Foo Bar class 'Bar' echo class LOCATION where LOCATION is a properly defined constant. The error I get.. use Some Foo Bar class 'Bar' echo class LOCATION where LOCATION is a properly defined constant. The error I get says class Bar.. would not work namespace Some Foo class 'Bar' echo class LOCATION As you have already written in your question you have found..