php Programming Glossary: ll
unserialize() [function.unserialize]: Error at offset .. I Instead of using this kind of quick fix ... i ll advice you update the question with How you are serializing.. Filter You can also add this simple filter before you call serialize function satitize value key value addslashes value..
Simplest way to detect a mobile device to detect a mobile device What is the simplest way to tell if a user is using a mobile device to browse my site using PHP.. a simple if condition Is there a way I can do this Thanks all for any help php mobile share improve this question Here.. ny yw aptu ar ch go as te us attw au di m r s avan be ck ll nq bi lb rd bl ac az br e v w bumb bw n u c55 capi ccwa cdm..
How can I encode a filename in PHP according to RFC 2231? it function rfc2231_encode name value charset '' lang '' ll 78 if strlen name 0 preg_match ' x00 x20 ' @ x80 xFF ' name.. language return false value charset' lang' .preg_replace_callback ' x00 x20 ' @ x80 xFF ' function match return rawurlencode.. nlen strlen name vlen strlen value if strlen name vlen ll 3 sections array section 0 for i 0 j 0 i vlen i j j ll nlen..
CRC8-Check in PHP php crc share improve this question function crcnifull dato byte static PolyFull 0x8c for i 0 i 8 i x byte 1 byte 1.. this question function crcnifull dato byte static PolyFull 0x8c for i 0 i 8 i x byte 1 byte 1 if dato 1 byte 0x80 if x.. i 8 i x byte 1 byte 1 if dato 1 byte 0x80 if x byte^ PolyFull dato 1 return byte function crc8 array ar n false if n false..
How to parse a JSON string using PHP Alex php json parsing share improve this question ll ' lat 37.790388261934424 lng 122.46047996826172 lat 37.789608231530124.. lat 37.789608231530124 lng 122.46344112701416 ' ll json_decode ll print_r ll Prints... Array 0 stdClass Object.. 37.789608231530124 lng 122.46344112701416 ' ll json_decode ll print_r ll Prints... Array 0 stdClass Object lat 37.7903882619..