php Programming Glossary: loaduser
Having Timezone problems with PHP and MySQL new user if isset _SESSION 'user_id' if onlineUser loadUser _SESSION 'user_id' defaultTimeZone onlineUser timeZone set time..
Returning a value in constructor function of a class if identifier NULL this emailAddress identifier if this loadUser return this else registered user requested but not found return.. requested but not found return false the functionality of loadUser is to look up the database for a particular email address. When.. identifier NULL this emailAddress identifier this loadUser private function loadUser try to load the user if not able to..
How to develop by faking login to test ACLs in Symfony 2 getContainer doctrine container get 'doctrine' user this loadUser doctrine username First Parameter is the actual user object... user null 'main' user getRoles private function loadUser doctrine username Don't have to use doctrine if you don't want..