php Programming Glossary: loadmodel
cakephp datasource Call to undefined method false public useDbConfig 'feed' in list controller this loadModel 'Feeda' this Feeda abcd But it returns a fatal error Error Call..
How to create custom MySQL queries in CakePHP? public helpers array 'Html' 'Form' function index this loadModel Location this Location get This is my LocationModel.php php..
Create temporary table in CakePHP and load it as a Model Model query 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `'. tmpTable ... this loadModel tmpModel Thanks in advance. php sql cakephp temp tables share..
Foreign Key not storing in Yii actionView id this render 'view' array 'model' this loadModel id Creates a new model. If creation is successful the browser.. to be updated public function actionUpdate id model this loadModel id member Member model findByPk member 'name' member new Member.. we only allow deletion via POST request this loadModel id delete if AJAX request triggered by deletion via admin grid..
PHP OOP core framework class project function __construct this projectmodel this loadModel 'project_model' prepare the model to be used function load id..