php Programming Glossary: insertimagequestion
PHP: formatting time Stackoverflow or Apple Mail-style
files get uploaded just before they get cancelled [closed] QuestionId VALUES prepare the above SQL statement if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation.. the parameters these are the values that will be inserted insertimagequestion bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion.. bind_param isi lastID 'Exam' qnum execute INSERT query insertimagequestion execute if insertimagequestion errno Handle query error here..
It is not inserting data into database INSERT INTO Image_Question ImageId QuestionId VALUES if insertimagequestion mysqli prepare imagequestionsql Handle errors with prepare operation.. prepared statements succeeded before proceeding if insert insertimagequestion c count _POST 'numQuestion' question_ids array for i 0 i c i.. imgid LINE 305 where error is foreach imgvalue as image insertimagequestion bind_param ii image imgquesid insertimagequestion execute if..