php Programming Glossary: insertbefore
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? name value dom dom_import_simplexml this new dom insertBefore dom ownerDocument createElement name value dom firstChild ..
How can I replace strings NOT within a link tag? sections as section if isset wrap section parentNode insertBefore d createTextNode section textNode continue tagName wrap section.. textNode continue tagName wrap section parentNode insertBefore d createElement tagName section textNode parentNode removeChild..
PHP XML - Inserting a XML node at a specific location ' myvalues image name img01 ' refNode elements item 0 xml insertBefore newNode refNode nextSibling header 'Content Type text plain'.. node getAttribute 'name' 'img02' refNode node domMyValues insertBefore newNode refNode Note there's no need to convert back to SimpleXML..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom offset newNode deleteData 0 strlen 'Dexia' node parentNode insertBefore link newNode And finally the output div p The CEO of the a href..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position if target_dom nextSibling return target_dom parentNode insertBefore insert_dom target_dom nextSibling else return target_dom parentNode..
xPath insert before and after - With DOM and PHP ' div ' foreach x query ' div ul li' as anchor anchor insertBefore new DOMText start_text anchor firstChild echo doc saveXML doc..
PHP Dom Remove element leave contents firstChild do next sibling nextSibling from parentNode insertBefore sibling from while sibling next from parentNode removeChild..
PHP XML inserting element after (or before) another element this I didn't test it but the solution comes from using insertBefore instead of appendChild. shop dom getElementsByTagName shop item.. shop item 0 section dom documentElement insertBefore dom createElement 'section' shop share improve this answer..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser substr remaining nodeValue 1 remaining parentNode insertBefore dom createEntityReference 'nbsp' remaining Fetching all the..
How to replace glossary terms in HTML text with links? instance prefix substr text offset term_pos offset parent insertBefore document createTextNode prefix refnode insert the actual term.. a term_txt link setAttribute href urls term_norm parent insertBefore link refnode offset term_pos strlen term_txt if i hitcount 1.. append remaining text suffix substr text offset parent insertBefore document createTextNode suffix refnode Here is how dom_link_glossary..