php Programming Glossary: instanceof
How to make a calculator in PHP? static function factory value if is_object value value instanceof TerminalExpression return value elseif is_numeric value return..
PHP: strtotime is returning false for a future date? format DateTimeHelper DATE_FORMAT_SQL_DATE if start_date instanceof DateTime start_date start_date format DateTimeHelper DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS.. format DateTimeHelper DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS if end_date instanceof DateTime end_date end_date format DateTimeHelper DATE_FORMAT_YMDHMS..
Zend_Auth: Allow user to be logged in to multiple tables/identities this _authenticateValidateResultset resultIdentities instanceof Zend_Auth_Result return authResult authResult this _authenticateValidateResult..
Iterable objects and array type hinting? like if is_array var OR var instance_of Iterable OR var instanceof IteratorAggregate ... What other iterable interfaces are out.. hinting share improve this question I think you mean instanceof Iterator PHP doesn't have an Iterable interface. It does have..
Highlight keywords in a paragraph as element foreach element childNodes as child if child instanceof DomText continue fragment dom createDocumentFragment text child..
Get all instances of a class in PHP array foreach self _instances as instance if instance instanceof get_class this if includeSubclasses get_class instance get_class..
php to C# converter and 'message' members json json_decode result if json instanceof stdClass isset json code isset json message throw new Fuze_Client_ServerException..
Add column to Magento admin catolog > manage products getLayout getBlock 'products_list' false productListBlock instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product this addColumn productListBlock..
Serializing PHP object to JSON array function property key if property instanceof Mf_Data property property toArray return array However since.. bit cleaner of an implementation. Using interfaces for an instanceof check seems much cleaner than method_exists however method_exists.. array_walk_recursive array function value key if value instanceof ToArrayInterface value value toArray return array public..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP public function __construct nodeOrNodes if nodeOrNodes instanceof DOMNode nodeOrNodes array nodeOrNodes elseif nodeOrNodes instanceof.. DOMNode nodeOrNodes array nodeOrNodes elseif nodeOrNodes instanceof DOMNodeList nodeOrNodes new IteratorIterator nodeOrNodes if.. nodeOrNodes new ArrayIterator nodeOrNodes if nodeOrNodes instanceof Iterator throw new InvalidArgumentException 'Not an array DOMNode..
How to tell apart SimpleXML objects representing element and attribute? in SimpleXML Equivalent of DOM's node nodeType or node instanceof DOMAttr I can't use DOM instead support for SimpleXML is core..
How do I access this object property with a hyphenated name? array array foreach this _data as key value if value instanceof StdClass array key value toArray else array key value return..
PHP Using Default Arguments in a Function public function __construct params null if params instanceof SOMETHING single parameter of object type SOMETHING else if..