php Programming Glossary: inputfiletype
PHPExcel reader — help required into db below is the code snippet inputFileName test.xls inputFileType PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory.. inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objReader setReadDataOnly true Load inputFileName to a PHPExcel..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM theFilePath require_once 'PHPExcel Classes PHPExcel.php' inputFileType 'Excel2007' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType.. 'Excel2007' objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objReader setReadDataOnly true objPHPExcel objReader load theFilePath.. setLoadSheetsOnly method. To load a single named worksheet inputFileType 'Excel5' inputFileName '. sampleData example1.xls' sheetname..
how to use phpexcel to read data and insert into database? '. sampleData example1.xls' Read your Excel workbook try inputFileType PHPExcel_IOFactory identify inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory.. inputFileName objReader PHPExcel_IOFactory createReader inputFileType objPHPExcel objReader load inputFileName catch Exception e die..