php Programming Glossary: inputs
PHP DomDocument failing to handle utf-8 characters (?? If you have even mixed encodings that can happen with some inputs mb_convert_encoding can only handle one encoding per string...
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security mysql_real_escape_string is used to encode escape user inputs. The code is therefore correct i.e. does not allow any SQL injection..
jquery submit form and then show results in an existing div that when submitted needs to fetch a php file passing the inputs to the file and then take the result just a line of text and..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error have created a table in my db from the names of the inputs in the form here is the code that i use to create alter the..
Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors? You want functions to be idempotent acting only on their inputs and returning defined output however many times you call them...
Submitting a multidimensional array via POST with php been able to really comprehend how to combine all those inputs and selects into a nice array. At this point I'm going to have..
List of Big-O for PHP functions array_intersect array_combine str_replace with array inputs etc. php performance algorithm arrays big o share improve..
How to get form input array into PHP array . n. and email is . email key . thank you n To handle more inputs just extend the pattern name _POST 'name' email _POST 'account'..
The ultimate clean/secure function ultimate clean secure function I have a lot of user inputs from _GET and _POST ... At the moment I always write mysql_real_escape_string.. have to deal with it each time you are working with user inputs and such. I was thinking of an function e.g cleanMe input and..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php var form this let's select and cache all the fields var inputs form.find input select button textarea serialize the data in.. form var serializedData form.serialize let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request inputs.prop disabled true.. disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request inputs.prop disabled true fire off the request to form.php request..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? print_r data Here's the results of this code when various inputs are passed php sql_exploits.php url http id SQL..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) script that gets Longitude and Latitude values and then inputs them into a MySQL query. I'd like to make it solely MySQL. Here's..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? ' form. id . gaia_loginform. form is' data matches inputs getInputs matches 1 return inputs else die 'didnt find login.. form is' data matches inputs getInputs matches 1 return inputs else die 'didnt find login form' function getInputs form inputs.. else die 'didnt find login form' function getInputs form inputs array elements preg_match_all ' input ^ is' form matches if..
PHP's strtotime() in Java strtotime in PHP can do the following transformations Inputs strtotime 004 02 12T15 19 21 00 00 strtotime ™Thu 21 Dec 2000..
PHP: find two or more numbers from a list of numbers that add up towards a given amount integers it finds 540 possibilities too Testing program Inputs n array n 0 6.56 n 1 8.99 n 2 1.45 n 3 4.83 n 4 8.16 n 5 2.53..
Android file uploader with server-side php the URL conn HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs conn.setDoInput true Allow Outputs conn.setDoOutput true Don't..
Making SOAP-call in PHP and setting SSL version presume the same thing would happen with my SOAP function Inputs please Using Ubuntu Linux PHP 5.3.3 php soap ssl curl wsdl..
Code to upload Video from Android to PHP connection HttpURLConnection url.openConnection Allow Inputs Outputs connection.setDoInput true connection.setDoOutput true..
How to call external javascript file in PHP? inp_2 alert Enter Integers only else alert Correct Inputs php javascript external share improve this question script..