php Programming Glossary: instance
How to properly set up a PDO connection The use of it would looks like this provider function instance new PDO 'mysql ...... charset utf8' 'username' 'password' instance.. new PDO 'mysql ...... charset utf8' 'username' 'password' instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION instance.. setAttribute PDO ATTR_ERRMODE PDO ERRMODE_EXCEPTION instance setAttribute PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES false return instance..
Code obfuscator for php? [closed] that are included in one file and used in another for instance. Or do you have any other tricks for stopping the spread of..
Who needs singletons? [closed] applies to situations in which there needs to be a single instance of a class. According to the example of the manual we should.. the manual we should do this class Database private static instance db private function __construct static function singleton if.. __construct static function singleton if isset self instance self instance new __CLASS__ return self instance function get..
Call to a member function on a non-object improve this question It means that objPage is not an instance of an object. Can we see the code you used to initialize the..
How should a model be structured in MVC? The easiest way to make sure that both View and Controller instances for that incoming request have access to same version of the.. would be to provide them both with same ServiceFactory instance. I would do it like this Closure for providing lazy initialization.. lazy initialization of DB connection dbhProvider function instance new PDO 'mysql host localhost dbname charset UTF 8' ' username..
bcrypt and randomly generated salts return true else return false Next the Usage Start Instance bcrypt new bcrypt 12 Two create a Hash you do echo 'Bcrypt Password..
Creating the Singleton design pattern in PHP5 get singleton @return UserFactory public static function Instance static inst null if inst null inst new UserFactory return.. it private function __construct To use fact UserFactory Instance fact2 UserFactory Instance fact fact2 But fact new UserFactory.. To use fact UserFactory Instance fact2 UserFactory Instance fact fact2 But fact new UserFactory Throws an error share improve..
Worst PHP practice found in your experience? [closed] Some examples Use of array reference without single quotes Instance hidden variables into inclusion files which are needed later..
Get Instance ID of an Object in PHP Instance ID of an Object in PHP I've learn a while ago on StackOverflow..
Dynamically Create Instance Method in PHP Create Instance Method in PHP I'd like to be able to dynamically create an..
difference between double colon and arrow operators in PHP method can be called from the class name Example hello Instance method can only be called from an instance of the class obj..
How to read large worksheets from large Excel files (27MB+) with PHPExcel? we want to read for each chunk chunkSize 20 Create a new Instance of our Read Filter chunkFilter new chunkReadFilter Tell the..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM range 'A' 'E' return true return false Create an Instance of our Read Filter filterSubset new MyReadFilter Create a new.. we want to read for each chunk chunkSize 20 Create a new Instance of our Read Filter chunkFilter new chunkReadFilter Tell the..
Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login data curl_exec ch return json_encode data Create FB Object Instance facebook new Facebook array 'appId' appid 'secret' appsecret..
The best way to share database connection between classes class wich will return an instance of itself. db DB getInstance moreover you can implement a singleton pattern. you can read.. you save your DB object in static property and then in getInstance check if it's set you return it or create new one constructor.. that the Object can't be created anywhere else but in getInstance.. this ensures that there is always one Instance of DB object...
get_instance() in Codeigniter: Why assign it to a variable? it. Related posts explain CI get_instance Codeigniter Get Instance So here is my actual question Why does the user guide recommend..
Magento Capture method do not work Please suggest best way. After Placing order I Got Info Instance and amount in Log file as given in code. The other data for.. Varien_Object payment amount paymentInfo this getInfoInstance Mage Log 'Got Info Instance' This is shown in Log file. Mage.. paymentInfo this getInfoInstance Mage Log 'Got Info Instance' This is shown in Log file. Mage Log amount This is shown in..