php Programming Glossary: input
What's the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP? the best method for sanitizing user input with PHP Is there a catchall function somewhere that works.. function somewhere that works well for sanitizing user input for sql injection and XSS attacks while still allowing certain.. this question It's a common misconception that user input can be filtered. PHP even has a now deprecated feature called..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? You can use crypt function to generate bcrypt hashes of input strings. This class can automatically generate salts and verify.. generate salts and verify existing hashes against an input. If you are using a version of PHP higher or equal to 5.3.7.. crypt this rounds rounds public function hash input hash crypt input this getSalt if strlen hash 13 return hash..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php form.php method POST id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text value input type submit value Send.. for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text value input type submit value Send form The typical approach would be to.. like this HTML form id foo label for bar A bar label input id bar name bar type text value input type submit value Send..
PHP global in functions Line you don't have _GET or _POST . If your code relies on input from these you are limiting yourself to a web environment. Just.. in the global state A function should do X for a defined input Y. Always. This gets even more severe when using OOP because..
How can I split a comma delimited string into an array in PHP? array at the commas. How can I go about accomplishing this Input 9 8 php arrays string share improve this..
Stop using `global` in PHP in you get one array with a certain syntax back. Input Output. Clear seams clear interfaces minimal well defined responsibilities...
User recognition without cookies or local storage base 8.9 If Debug true you would be able to see Input Sensor Desired Initial Weights Output Sensor Sum Network Error..
How to mimic StackOverflow Auto-Link Behavior text ' return preg_replace_callback pattern callback text Input Text This is my text. I wonder if you know about asking questions..
Is preventing XSS and SQL Injection as easy as does this using PHP PDO prepared statements Here's an example INPUT Input a persons favorite color and save to database this should prevent..
Enabling $_GET in codeigniter libraries. It overrides the behaviour of the default Input library of clearing the _GET array. It allows for a mixture.. of URI segments and query string. application libraries MY_Input.php class MY_Input extends CI_Input function _sanitize_globals.. query string. application libraries MY_Input.php class MY_Input extends CI_Input function _sanitize_globals this allow_get_array..
Fix malformed XML in PHP before processing using DOMDocument functions of warnings like xmlParseEntityRef no name in Entity and Input is not proper UTF 8 indicate encoding Bytes 0x9C 0x31 0x21 0x3C..
Fastest way to add prefix to array keys? is the fastest way to add string prefixes to array keys Input array array '1' 'val1' '2' 'val2' Needed output array array..
Multiple file upload in php to upload multiple files... Here is what you need to do Input name must be be defined as an array i.e. name inputName Input.. name must be be defined as an array i.e. name inputName Input element must have multiple multiple or just multiple In your..
UTF-8 all the way through yourself which is just more work but has the same effect. Input Unfortunately you should verify every received string as being..
PHP / SimpleXML - Why does Simplexml_load_string() fail to parse Google Weather API xml in Chinese (zh-CN) function.simplexml load string Entity line 1 parser error Input is not proper UTF 8 indicate encoding Bytes 0xB6 0xE0 0xD4 0xC6.. function.simplexml load string Entity line 1 parser error Input is not proper UTF 8 indicate encoding Bytes 0xB6 0xE0 0xD4 0xC6..
How to Compare Dates in php? Compare Dates in php i need code to compare date in php Input date should be a valid date input date should not be less than..
DOM parser that allows HTML5-style </ in <script> tag contents back out selecting by the tag's id attribute. Input script id foo td bar td script Example of failing output no..
PHP: Return all dates between two dates in an array Return all dates between two dates in an array Expected Input getDatesFromRange '2010 10 01' '2010 10 05' Expected Output..
MySQL Binary Storage using BLOB VS OS File System: large files, large quantities, large problems data but A we could pump the data in byte buffers with the Input OutputStreams in JDBC and B when using other tools we wrote..
Regular expression preg_quote symbols are not detected words array a asshole a hole f@ck f#ck f ck text Input whatever you feel like here eg. a foreach words as f f preg_quote.. es s b si str_repeat strlen f t I should expect to see Input whatever you feel like here eg. as a result. php regex preg..
jquery submit form and then show results in an existing div created div What I need is the results of create.php url INPUT to be dynamically loaded into the div called created. I have..
help on building a basic php search engine you pass all of your variables in one shot with the submit INPUT. So to pass the same data properly with a GET submit you will..
Parsing command arguments in PHP are found in group 0. Let's implement it in PHP string INPUT foo bar baz ' 'quux '' 'foo bar' baz'boz hello regex world escaped.. '' 'foo bar' baz'boz hello regex world escaped escape INPUT preg_match_all '# ' ^ . 1 S #s' string matches print_r matches..
Is preventing XSS and SQL Injection as easy as does this by using PHP PDO prepared statements Here's an example INPUT Input a persons favorite color and save to database this should..
Fastest way to convert string to integer in PHP I've run the tests again this time with coercion 0 var INPUT x int x intval x 0 x 123 0.51541 0.96924 0.33828 0 0.42723..
General purpose remote data backup and download - including InnoDb support pass or die DBI errstr # Lets now open the .sql file. open INPUT file # Now lets run each sql statement. while line INPUT print.. INPUT file # Now lets run each sql statement. while line INPUT print line dbh do line print Query failed run manually n line..
What is the PHP regex to convert text containing a URL into a hyperlink? the code above with test ... function test str print INPUT . str . nOUTPUT . twitterify str . n n tests test fence ...results in the following print outs. INPUT OUTPUT a href http target _blank OUTPUT a href http target _blank a INPUT fox OUTPUT a href http target _blank..
Browser ask me to download php file new stuff. I am creating a web form that consist of one INPUT. I connected the form in the HTML file to the php file. I am..
php duplicate checking before insert Thanks in advance edit HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR INPUT I hope in the future I'll have less questions to ask and more..
Sending multipart POST from iOS and reading parameters in PHP $_POST? method post P LABEL for login E mail LABEL INPUT type text name login BR LABEL for password pass LABEL INPUT.. type text name login BR LABEL for password pass LABEL INPUT type text name password BR INPUT type submit value Send INPUT.. for password pass LABEL INPUT type text name password BR INPUT type submit value Send INPUT type reset P FORM I get this Wireshark..
Unzip a file with php to a script via a _GET variable. ALWAYS SANITIZE USER INPUT. UPDATE As per your comment the best way to extract the zip..