php Programming Glossary: insight
How to securely store files on a server going through the login page. Thanks for any help any insight or suggestions would be appreciated. This is important for me..
measuring the elapsed time between code segments in PHP like XDebug Zend Debugger can give you this type of insight plus much more but here is a hint at how you can write a function..
Finding Zip Codes in a Specific Radius but to no avail and I was wondering if someone had some insight on this situation. I would rather figure out this problem before..
Using MySQL, how do I select query result rank of one particular row? avoid the latter I suppose I can live with . Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated. php mysql rank share improve..
How does similar_text work? in the following line but i'm not a c programmer. Some insight in what the difference is would be appreciated. In JS for l..
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? a lot of info and a lot of questions but any information insight that anyone can offer would be very much appreciated. I've been..
Formulas to Calculate Geo Proximity in terms of speed accuracy of results I appreciate your insight on these questions. Based on theonlytheory answer I tested the..
How can I use “Dependency Injection” in simple php functions, and should I bother? factory_of_data_set Anyone have a good resource or just insight that makes the method and benefit crystal clear php dependency..
Apple Push Notification Service APNS - Notifications not arriving no errors to look at I am out of ideas. Anyone have any insight Jennifer php iphone push notification apple push notifications..
Creating HTML: PHP server-side vs. jQuery client-side point of view which approach is recommended Thanks for any insight. php jquery html ajax share improve this question Why to..
When to use Try Catch blocks Definitely. I'm not a PHP user but I might have a little insight after having worked with try catch in ActionScript Java and..
MySQL localhost / problem is setup correctly but still cannot use localhost. Any insight would be awesome. Thanks php mysql sockets localhost share..
PHP Youtube API - Getting Insight Data is . I get the statistics object but I wanted the full insight data. I have seen the following documentation but can't see.. apis youtube 2.0 developers_guide_protocol_insight.html Thanks James php youtube youtube api gdata api share.. this question I finally got this working and got the insight zip file download in the feed when calling getVideoFeed with..
PHP readdir() not returning files in alphabetical order was missing something in what I was doing. Thanks for any insight php share improve this question Alphabetical order I think..
What's the deal with a leading underscore in PHP class methods? personal preference but I was wondering if anyone had some insight into where this habit comes from. My thought is that it's probably.. behind it that I would benefit from knowing. Any thoughts insights and or opinions would be appreciated. php coding style share..
PHP: Can I reference a single member of an array that is returned by a function? like this and I'm lazy enoug to miss this in PHP ... any insight appreciated ... php arrays function share improve this question..
PHPDoc type hinting for array of objects? it's working with and will be able to provide a code insight for that variable. php class Test @var SomeObj private someObjInstance..
Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones my approach of doing things maybe it will give you an insight or two. First of all I don't have two all encompassing bundles..
How to implement unit testing in PHP? [closed] good guide involving a bowling game here that gives you an insight to both PHPUnit and TDD and that should help you get started...
Implementing a voting system without requiring registration IP A different IP Any thoughts on these questions or any insight to a better approach would be greatly appreciated. php database..