php Programming Glossary: installer
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects Update Kohsuke Kawaguchi has constructed a windows service installer for hudson Setting up a project in hudson The links in the following..
Magento - Adding a new column to sales_flat_quote_item and sales_flat_order_item to sales_flat_order tale. The same for other entites. installer this installer startSetup installer addAttribute 'order' 'your_attribute_code'.. tale. The same for other entites. installer this installer startSetup installer addAttribute 'order' 'your_attribute_code'.. for other entites. installer this installer startSetup installer addAttribute 'order' 'your_attribute_code' array 'type' 'int'..
How I can create installer for website. PHP mysql [closed] I can create installer for website. PHP mysql closed I have a website which made... a website which made. I need to know how i can create a installer for this site. Meaning when user upload the site on to they.. into database and all the necessary setting. php mysql installer share improve this question There is a number of tools that..
My Magento Extension Install Script Will Not Run use connection nie_setup My install script is as follows installer this setup new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup 'core_setup' installer.. this setup new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup 'core_setup' installer startSetup setup addAttribute 'customer' 'nie_admin' array 'input'.. 'backend' '' 'visible' 0 'required' 0 'user_defined' 1 installer endSetup Is there something obvious I am missing here that would..
Adding attributes to customer entity backend which is done . I'm struggling with proper use of installer addAttribute method especially specifying correct source option... is the code for a basic int attribute with text renderer installer this installer startSetup setup new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup.. a basic int attribute with text renderer installer this installer startSetup setup new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup 'core_setup'..
Convert a PHP script into a stand-alone windows executable you could embed mysql postgresql database in application's installer. EDIT Another option is to use http products..
Path of assets in CSS files in Symfony2 residing in the assets instead of public than have your installer deployer probably a bash script to put the css temporarily inside..
PHP Installer Script [duplicate] Installer Script duplicate Possible Duplicate How I can create installer..
Composer Warning: openssl extension is missing. How to enable in WAMP management tool on Win7 64 WampServer 2.2 via the Setup Installer and I am getting the following message The openssl extension..
IIS + PHP url rewrite I recommend that you download Microsoft's Web Platform Installer . With that you can install URL Rewrite which is a nice tool..
How I can create installer for website. PHP mysql [closed] wizard class http SunboX Php Web Application Installer http projects upcase project http
Windows Installing PHPUnit via PEAR - Installing PHPUnit via PEAR install phpunit PHPUnit phpunit PHPUnit requires PEAR Installer version 1.9.2 installed version is 1.9.0 phpunit PHPUnit can.. use PHP extension dbus phpunit DbUnit requires PEAR Installer version 1.9.2 installed version is 1.9.0 phpunit File_Iterator.. version is 1.9.0 phpunit File_Iterator requires PEAR Installer version 1.9.2 installed vers ion is 1.9.0 phpunit PHP_CodeCoverage..
How can I remove completely PHPUnit using the PEAR Installer? can I remove completely PHPUnit using the PEAR Installer I installed PHPUnit using the PEAR installer a few days ago..
PHPUnit , PEAR upgrading Errors But i'm getting phpunit PHP_CodeCoverage requires PEAR Installer version 1.9.4 installed version is 1.9.2 I'm getting this error..