php Programming Glossary: entityid
Regex Tables how to match? rowodd onclick window.location.href ' portal offers show entityId 32114' td 01.10.2009 td td AN09551 td td 2009132 Ich bin Un... td td 2009132 Ich bin Un. nbsp a href portal clients show entityId 762350 myimsrc img bullet_go.pngs alt title Kundenakte aufrufen..
Preg_match_all <a href Hello i want to extract links a href portal clients show entityId 2121 and i want a regex which givs me portal clients show entityId.. 2121 and i want a regex which givs me portal clients show entityId 2121 the number at last 2121 is in other links different any..
phpunit dbunit @dataProvider doesn't work @dataProvider providerAdd public function testAdd labelId entityId lem new appLibs Labels LabelEntityModel this getAppConnection.. this getAppConnection contacts lem add labelId entityId count this getAppConnection select id from label_relationships.. where label_id i labelId where table_ref_id i entityId count this assertEquals 1 count insert failed public function..
Convert array into csv stdClass Object OrderDetails stdClass Object entityId 1025298 orderId 10952 orderName testing statusTypeId 4652..