php Programming Glossary: dogs
N-grams: Explanation + 2 applications topic spotting For example Is a text about basketball or dogs My approach do the following with a Wikipedia article for dogs.. My approach do the following with a Wikipedia article for dogs and basketball build the n gram vectors for both documents normalize..
In regards to for(), why use i++ rather than ++i? seasoned enough for this to be not a big deal at all. Do dogs have Buddah nature Who really needs to know java php c c ..
Odd behaviour in a switch statement returns 0. See here php echo int 100 100 php echo int 300 dogs 300 php echo int resnum 0 php echo int resnum 100 0 Since all..
Doctrine 2 Inheritance Mapping with Association I should do that class User @var array Dog private dogs @var array Cat private cats This is annoying because I loose..
Best DB (MySQL) structure: Articles which contain favored tags Bob has favored the tags barack obama nba new jersey and dogs . He should only see articles containing at least one of these.. FROM tags WHERE tag IN 'barack obama' 'nba' 'new jersey' 'dogs' This query would run for a long time wouldn't it There must..
Is it possible to capture search term from Google search? that searches my local database for content related to hot dogs and then display that It seems totally impossible to me but..