php Programming Glossary: doe
How to attach PDF to email using PHP mail function would like to add a PDF attachment if possible. from Jane Doe headers From . from mail to subject message.. address mail AddAddress address John Doe mail Subject PHPMailer Test Subject via mail basic mail AltBody..
PHP Create a Multidimensional Array from an array with relational data [duplicate] relationships . Array 5273 Array id 5273 name John Doe parent 6032 Array id 6032 name Sally Smith parent 5273.. I need it to be in this JSON format id 5273 name John Doe data children id Sally Smith name 6032 data children.. array array 'id' 5273 'parent' 0 'name' 'John Doe' array 'id' 6032 'parent' 5273 'name' 'Sally Smith' array 'id'..
PHP - detect whitespace between strings within a string For example I have a name string like Jane Doe Keep in mind that I don't want to trim or replace it just detect..
Send File Attachment from Form Using phpMailer and PHP mail FromName My name mail AddAddress John Doe mail WordWrap 50 mail IsHTML true mail Subject Contact Form..
update data in the div option value Please Select option option value John John Doe option option value Mike Mike Williams option option value Chris..
dynamic drop down box? option value Please Select option option value John John Doe option option value Mike Mike Williams option option value Chris..
SimpleXML how to prepend a child in a node? a child in a node When I call addChild 'actor' 'John Doe' this child is added in the last. Is there a way to make this.. actor actors ' 'my_node' actors addChild 'actor' 'John Doe last' actors prependChild 'actor' 'John Doe first' die actors..
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery some set period of time . How would I go about doing this Does the PHP response need to be JSON coded I am fairly new to AJAX.. Joe Smith lastLogin Fri May 21st 2010 08 07 AM name Jane Doe lastLogin Fri May 21st 2010 07 07 AM Thanks php jquery ajax..
Assigning xml generated by a while loop to a variable array 'uid' 2 'userName' 'John blink Frigging blink Doe' 'points' 0 'imageURL' 'http johndoe.jpg' 'thumbURL'.. 2 user id user name John lt blink gt Frigging lt blink gt Doe user name user points 0 user points image url http Please notice that DOM escaped the special chars in John Doe's name for you automatically. DOM will also make sure the XML..
Return PHP object by index number (not name) MemberOf California ListID 7035 UserID 157 UserName John Doe I can't figure out how to pull a value out of it. This is only..
PHP - how to create a newline character? file in Notepad and it writes the newline literally 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n I have tried many variations.. and it writes the newline literally 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n I have tried many variations of the r n but.. the newline literally 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n 1 John Doe r n I have tried many variations of the r n but none work. Why..
Emulating named function parameters in PHP, good or bad idea? function myFunc array args default array name John Doe age 30 overwrite all the defaults with the arguments args array_merge.. 'name' . Age . args 'age' myFunc array age 25 Name John Doe Age 25 You could even remove all items from args which don't..
Multiple Inheritance in PHP it this way m new Message m type 'text html' m from 'John Doe ' m to 'Random Hacker ' m subject..