php Programming Glossary: do..
regex php: find everything in div work fine... If you don't have imbricated divs if you do... Well... actually are you really sure you want to use rational..
How to create and use nonces share improve this question It's actually quite easy to do... There are some libraries out there to do it for you PHP Nonce..
Get time difference fall between a 24 hour period 0 00 23 59 you could also do... hours int date 'g' difference Though that is probably too inflexible..
PHP + Jquery - pass value through ajax to php and check against variable request. I can't make any sense of what you are trying to do... Let me change your code so it at least makes some sense and..
How do I check if the request is made via AJAX with PHP? that sends the X Requested With header then you can do... if isset _SERVER 'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH' AND strtolower _SERVER..
Magento - How do I add an invoice fee to an order during checkout process address Check the payment method in use if it is yours do... address setPaymentFee fee return this public function fetch..
comparing, !== versus != they compare values for example stuff 'foo' if stuff 'foo' do... Is there any reason they do this Is faster than or what php..
Facebook Registration Connect database. I'm getting an error however so not sure what to do... Here's the code please help me in any way you can. php define..