php Programming Glossary: document.cookie
How to detect fake users ( crawlers ) and cURL expires new Date expires.setTime new Date .getTime 3600000 document.cookie cookie_check 42 expires expires.toGMTString script EOT Display.. .ready '#unset_cookie' .click function e e.preventDefault document.cookie cookie_check expires Thu 01 Jan 1970 00 00 01 GMT script EOT..
Dealing with PHP server and MySQL server in different time zones object in minutes. var offset new Date .getTimezoneOffset document.cookie 'timezoneOffset ' escape offset Or you could offer users the..
Detecting Ajax in PHP and making sure request was from my own website your ajax calls on the JavaScript side which sends part of document.cookie back to the server only your domain has access to the cookie...
saving checkbox state on reload supporting localStorage if available otherwise using document.cookie . function getStorage key_prefix this function will return us.. using either localStorage if available or defaulting to document.cookie if window.localStorage use localStorage return set function.. id return localStorage.getItem key_prefix id else use document.cookie return set function id data document.cookie key_prefix id '..
Session hijacking and PHP fixation . It also helps protect against xss from access document.cookie which is one way that Session Hijacking can occur. Enforcing..
Set cookie wih JS, read with PHP problem page with php. I am able to write the cookie by doing document.cookie cookieName cookieValue and i partially works. The cookie is.. 0 nDays 1 expire.setTime today.getTime 3600000 24 nDays document.cookie cookieName escape cookieValue expires expire.toGMTString and.. javascript code... still nothing.. EDIT4 so far I have.. document.cookie cookieName escape cookieValue expires expire.toGMTString path..
CodeIgniter - why use xss_clean to prevent xss. Such as looking for the word alert but not document.cookie . No hacker is going to use alert in their exploit they are..
Passing javascript variables to php? we will gladly help. UPDATE JS script type text javascript document.cookie 'name Khez' script PHP php var_dump _COOKIE 'name' share improve..
destroy session on window close? open windows and tabs except for IE which doesn't update document.cookie in real time between windows but I believe it could be solved.. the snippet. By the way bakery.js is a small wrapper for document.cookie. You may find its source here on github . DOCTYPE html html..