php Programming Glossary: documentelement
PHP - Delete XML Element doc new DOMDocument doc load 'theFile.xml' thedocument doc documentElement this gives you a list of the messages list thedocument getElementsByTagName..
How to modify xml file using PHP php dom new DOMDocument dom load file.xml root dom documentElement This can differ I am not sure it can be only documentElement.. This can differ I am not sure it can be only documentElement or documentElement firstChild or only firstChild nodesToDelete.. can differ I am not sure it can be only documentElement or documentElement firstChild or only firstChild nodesToDelete array markers root..
foreach and simplexml simplexml It's my xml file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 documentElement rows row column 1 column column David column column Johnson.. 2 column column Jack column column Nixon column row rows documentElement I want to loop over rows and add them to an array. I passed..
find and replace keywords by hyperlinks in an html fragment, via php dom parentNode replaceChild newNode node echo dom saveXML dom documentElement The found node will contain the string The CEO of the Dexia..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? 'product' 'bar2' Appending pages and saving XML dom documentElement appendChild page1 dom documentElement appendChild page2 xml.. and saving XML dom documentElement appendChild page1 dom documentElement appendChild page2 xml dom saveXML unset dom page1 page2 echo..
php: using DomDocument whenever I try to write UTF-8 it writes the hexadecimal notation of it '1.0' 'utf 8' dom appendChild dom createElement 'root' dom documentElement appendChild new DOMText ' ר ש ' echo dom saveXml will work fine.. '1.0' 'utf 8' dom loadXml ' root ' missing prolog dom documentElement appendChild new DOMText ' ר ש ' echo dom saveXml will not have.. dom loadXml ' xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 root ' dom documentElement appendChild new DOMText ' ר ש ' echo dom saveXml and it will..
How to replace text URLs and exclude URLs in HTML tags? parentNode replaceChild fragment text echo dom saveXML dom documentElement and this will then output html body p This is a text with a..
Printing content of a XML file using XML DOM dodeljuje se promenljivoj koreni element x xmlDoc documentElement prolazi se kroz petlju tako sto se ispisuje informacija o podelementima.. dom loadXML ' root p Hello em World em p root ' node dom documentElement firstChild p printf Name s Type s Value s n node nodeName node..
PHP XML inserting element after (or before) another element between the intro and the shop elements this section dom documentElement appendChild dom createElement 'section' will just create the.. shop dom getElementsByTagName shop item 0 section dom documentElement insertBefore dom createElement 'section' shop share improve..
DOMDocument::load - PHP - Getting attribute value dom load 'YourExcel.xml' and then either do echo dom documentElement getAttribute 'ExpandedColumnCount' or use XPath xp new DOMXPath..
Debug a DOMDocument Object in PHP World p body html iterator new DOMRecursiveIterator dom documentElement iterator new DOMRecursiveDecoratorStringAsCurrent iterator tree.. html body p Hello World p body html xmltree_dump dom documentElement the only thing needed is to have all the class definitions used..