php Programming Glossary: dob
how to get id from database by link td . r name . td echo td . r father_name . td echo td . r dob . td echo td . r qualification . td echo td . r identity_type..
Select last insert id customer first_name last_name email password date_created dob gender customer_type VALUES first_name last_name email password.. VALUES first_name last_name email password date_created dob gender customer_type ' . ' SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID ' I am getting..
PHP calculate age way of calculating the age replace with so strtotime works dob strtotime str_replace birthdayDate tdate time age 0 while tdate.. str_replace birthdayDate tdate time age 0 while tdate dob strtotime ' 1 year' dob age return age EDIT this function seems.. tdate time age 0 while tdate dob strtotime ' 1 year' dob age return age EDIT this function seems to work OK some of the..
Unable to wrap text in an image _GET 'pname' .' ' email html_entity_decode _GET 'dob' .' ' if empty date fatal_error 'Error Text not properly formatted.'.. 0 font_file pname box2 @ImageTTFBBox font_size 0 font_file dob date_width abs box 2 box 0 date_height abs box 5 box 3 name_width..
validate age before registering a user to check if hes over a certain age using mvc age of the person i m trying to use this code data array 'dob' date Y m d select db select from 'data' array 'id' 'age' new.. new Zend_Db_Expr DATE_FORMAT FROM_DAYS TO_DAYS NOW TO_DAYS dob ' Y' 0 can i use an array please help me friendshow should be..
Get error while editing Customers from back end in Magento data EDIT Done some more digging. I noticed that the dob field is working fine. This is because the field itself is set..
MySQL Structure for a social network 300 pass varchar 400 email varchar 300 gender varchar 300 dob varchar 200 uid varchar 300 PRIMARY KEY id This is created when..
access denied to PHP from Blackberry 10 platform using phonegap - closed 1 ' myTable tr td b S.No. b td td b Full Name b td td b DOB b td td b Gender b td td b Address b td td b Image b td td b..
how to allow users logged in to UPDATE / EDIT their profile settings/information country _POST 'country' nickname _POST 'nickname' DOB _POST 'DOB' gender _POST 'gender' motto _POST 'motto' bio _POST.. _POST 'country' nickname _POST 'nickname' DOB _POST 'DOB' gender _POST 'gender' motto _POST 'motto' bio _POST 'bio' sql.. UPDATE members SET country ' country' nickname ' nickname' DOB ' DOB' gender ' gender' motto ' motto' bio ' bio' WHERE id '..
Read a text file and transfer contents to mysql database then get stored into a database like this DataID Name DOB 234 Carl Jones 01 01 1925 I would be so grateful if someone..
PHP calculate age for a way to calculate the age of a person given their DOB in the format dd mm yyyy. I was using the following function.. the entire site to a halt. Since there are almost 100 000 DOBs going through this function several times a day it's hard to.. seems to work OK some of the time but returns 40 for a DOB of 14 09 1986 return floor time strtotime birthdayDate 31556926..
validate age before registering a user to check if hes over a certain age using mvc Are you having trouble calculating the age from a DOB If so this should take care of your problem function Age date..