php Programming Glossary: domains
PHP Sessions across sub domains Sessions across sub domains I am trying to set up the following the question How to make a sessions available across subdomains we are getting how to send a session ID across domains which.. subdomains we are getting how to send a session ID across domains which doesn't really answer the question. While the examples..
Cross domain cookies I have a small problem how do I set a cookie for multiple domains I do understand the security problems and I am sure it has been..
Replace URLs in text with HTML links URLs. The http protocol prefix should be optional. Both domains and IP addresses should be accepted. Any valid top level domain.. . Beware of Greeks bringing internationalized top level domains xn hxajbheg2az3al.xn jxalpdlp. And remember.Nobody is perfect... of the missing space further checking on valid top level domains might be in order. Edit The following code fixes the above two..
PHP Getting Domain Name From Subdomain be appreciated. EDIT Ignore the presume that all domains going through this function have a 3 letter TLD. php dns subdomain..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] You are using a DNS service that resolves non existent domains to a server that gives you a friendly error page which it returns..
How to change from-address when using gmail smtp server you are supposedly sending from use the free gmail for domains and setup a account. Edit Nov 2013 Seeing.. A quick update. Google have withdrawn their free GMail for domains. There are plenty of other free services around. One of note..
JavaScript: How do I create JSONP? How do I create JSONP I have a two domains and From I would like..
How to validate domain name in PHP? is a valid domain domain name abcd example Are valid domains. These are invalid of course domaia@name ab cd And so on. So..
How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction? becomes available to my application I have a number of domains that I want to do this with and I'm also obviously wary of creating..
How do I use cookies across two different domains? do I use cookies across two different domains I need to share SSO information between two different domains.. I need to share SSO information between two different domains with a cookie can this be done in PHP and how php cookies .. how php cookies share improve this question On both domains place an image or other web element that is pulled from the..
PHP Linkify Links In Content can go wrong. If you really need to NOT linkify specific domains i.e. vimeo and youtube here is a modified PHP function linkify_filtered.. _linkify_filter_callback m Filter out youtube and vimeo domains. pre m 1 . m 4 . m 7 . m 10 . m 13 url m 2 . m 5 . m 8 . m 11..
Allow php sessions to carry over to subdomains php sessions to carry over to subdomains I use php sessions not cookies except for session id cookie.. the subdomain. Is there a way to accept sessions from all domains as long as its php apache session cookies share..
PHP: Am I mixing up event-driven programming with signals-aware interfaces (Singal and Slots / Observer Pattern)? driven application would have Decoupling applications with Domains Events http 2012 08 25 decoupling_applications_with_domain_events.html..
Optimizations to reduce website loading time of DOM Elements No 404s Reduce Cookie Size Use Cookie Free Domains for Components Avoid Filters Do Not Scale Images in HTML Make..
PHP regex for validating a URL tp s ~ #Username Password w w @ #Subdomains w . #TopLevel Domains com org net gov mil biz info mobi name aero jobs museum travel..
Symfony dynamic subdomains i have and Domains are stored in a table. When a user goes to
Session Share Across Multiple Domains On Same Server Share Across Multiple Domains On Same Server I heard the best method to share session across..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs? Load Waterfall Chronological http Parallel Domains Grouped http Site Perf Waterfall http site
PHP Cookies for multiple Domains Cookies for multiple Domains I want to create a cookie from one domain once the user is..