php Programming Glossary: doc
PDO Prepared Inserts multiple rows in single query page it is faster than regular inserts. http doc refman 5.0 en insert speed.html datafields array 'fielda' ''..
PHP code to convert a MySQL query to CSV [closed] ENCLOSED BY ' ' LINES TERMINATED BY n FROM my_table the documentation for this is here http doc refman 5.0.. the documentation for this is here http doc refman 5.0 en select.html or select SELECT FROM table_name export..
How to extract img src, title and alt from html using php? all the img tag extract their metadata I will assume your doc is not xHTML strict so you can't use an XML parsor. E.G. with..
Remove a child with a specific attribute, in SimpleXML for PHP one but this doesn't work the elements remain. foreach doc seg as seg if seg 'id' 'A12' unset seg php xml dom simplexml.. id A1 seg id A5 seg id A12 seg id A29 seg id A30 data ' doc new SimpleXMLElement data foreach doc seg as seg if seg 'id'.. seg id A30 data ' doc new SimpleXMLElement data foreach doc seg as seg if seg 'id' 'A12' dom dom_import_simplexml seg dom..
Get Title and Meta Tags of External site http parsing begins here doc new DOMDocument @ doc loadHTML html nodes doc getElementsByTagName.. http parsing begins here doc new DOMDocument @ doc loadHTML html nodes doc getElementsByTagName 'title' get and.. begins here doc new DOMDocument @ doc loadHTML html nodes doc getElementsByTagName 'title' get and display what you need title..
MySQL and NoSQL: Help me to choose the right one indexes only available with innodb http doc refman 5.0 en innodb index types.html http blog..
Pulling Track Info From an Audio Stream Using PHP hassle than its worth. You connect to it with fsockopen doc . Make sure to use the correct port. Also note that many web.. is. Take the value of this byte the actual byte with ord doc and multiply it by 16. The result is the number of bytes to.. to make it fit evenly into a multiple of 16 bytes and trim doc takes care of that for us. You will be left with something like..
PHP + DOMDocument: outerHTML for element? to replace video links inside a string here's my code doc new DOMDocument doc loadHTML content foreach doc getElementsByTagName.. links inside a string here's my code doc new DOMDocument doc loadHTML content foreach doc getElementsByTagName a as link.. my code doc new DOMDocument doc loadHTML content foreach doc getElementsByTagName a as link url link getAttribute href if..
Ignore html tags in preg_replace span' printf Searching for d ' s' n strlen search search doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML str xp new DOMXPath doc anchor doc.. for d ' s' n strlen search search doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML str xp new DOMXPath doc anchor doc getElementsByTagName.. search doc new DOMDocument doc loadXML str xp new DOMXPath doc anchor doc getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 if anchor throw..
How to overload class constructor within traits in PHP >= 5.4 trait SayWorld This is a valid docblock. @param int a Doc comment. @param int b Doc comment. public function __construct.. a valid docblock. @param int a Doc comment. @param int b Doc comment. public function __construct a b echo int c a b class.. Repeated and unnecessary docblock. @param int a Doc comment. @param int b Doc comment. @param int c Doc comment...
How to use the Google SpreadSheets API to feed data to an application? API to get the data from a Google Spreadsheets Doc It's my understanding that the data will be delivered in XML..
How to use PHP OPCache? save comments opcache.save_comments 1 If disabled all PHPDoc comments are dropped from the code to reduce the size of the.. code to reduce the size of the optimized code. Disabling Doc Comments may break some existing applications and frameworks..
Doc to PDF with PHP + Openoffice to PDF with PHP Openoffice I am trying to follow a tutorial.. file and pass in the Hidden property from above oWriterDoc top loadComponentFromURL doc_url _blank 0 args Set up the arguments.. FilterName writer_pdf_Export osm Write out the PDF oWriterDoc storeToURL output_url export_args oWriterDoc close true output_dir..
Parsing PHP Doc Comments into a Data Structure PHP Doc Comments into a Data Structure I'm using the Reflection API.. Structure I'm using the Reflection API in PHP to pull a DocComment PHPDoc string from a method r new ReflectionMethod object.. using the Reflection API in PHP to pull a DocComment PHPDoc string from a method r new ReflectionMethod object comment r..
How do you display a formatted Word Doc in HTML/PHP? do you display a formatted Word Doc in HTML PHP What is the best way to display a formatted Word.. HTML PHP What is the best way to display a formatted Word Doc in HTML PHP Here is the code I currently have but it doesn't.. or die Could not initialise MS Word object. word Documents Open realpath ACME.doc Extract content. content string..
Trying to pull in elements from Yahoo Weather XML sunrise element from yweather astronomy in the Yahoo XML Doc. Tried various combinations along the lines of echo yweather.. remainder of the code is functioning as I wish Yahoo XML Doc snippet rss xmlns yweather http ns rss..
Row count with PDO does not work in MySql. What a pain. From the PDO Doc For most databases PDOStatement rowCount does not return the..
How to POST backbone model data to DB through Slim php and Paris true EDITED getBody method not documented in Develop Doc only Stable @ time of post requestBody app request getBody ..
PHP - How to parse this xml? 36 custcode memberid 12345 ccode Gold 37 cust 38 EOF 39 41 DOC new DOMDocument 42 DOC loadXML XML 43 Data Parse DOC firstChild.. ccode Gold 37 cust 38 EOF 39 41 DOC new DOMDocument 42 DOC loadXML XML 43 Data Parse DOC firstChild 44 45 print_r Data.. 39 41 DOC new DOMDocument 42 DOC loadXML XML 43 Data Parse DOC firstChild 44 45 print_r Data The above code returns the result..
PHP example for PayPal Adaptive Payments ConvertCurrency API luck with this in PHP Documentation https docs DOC 1400 php paypal paypal adaptive payments share improve this..
Reading/Writing a MS Word file in PHP to the published file format specifications for the DOC format. I think this is no real feasible solution. You could.. to ressort to OpenXML . As databyss pointed out here the DOCX file format is just a ZIP archive with XML files included...
PHP protect a folder done in PHP. There is an admin area with files like PDF DOC so I cannot protect these files with session variable. Is there..
HTML+CSS to RTF (in PHP)? I've yet to find anything that can convert HTML to RTF or DOC runs on a Linux server is callable from PHP handles paged media..
Resume/CV Parsing in PHP [closed] quotes Document processing for all types of documents DOC DOCX PDF RTF HTML TIFF TXT XML MSG and EML type documents ... quotes Document processing for all types of documents DOC DOCX PDF RTF HTML TIFF TXT XML MSG and EML type documents . Textkernel..
Reading DOC file in php DOC file in php I'm trying to read .doc .docx file in php. All.. Here is screenshot. php share improve this question DOC files are not plain text . Try a library such as PHPWord by..