php Programming Glossary: doctrine_query
Cumulative DQL with Doctrine to create the query is put attention on the alias query Doctrine_Query create query addSelect 'AVG price as price' query addSelect..
PHP ORMs: Doctrine vs. Propel 20 items ExamplePeer doSelectJoinFoobar c Doctrine items Doctrine_Query create from 'Example e' leftJoin 'e.Foobar' where ' ' 20..
Doctrine - How to print out the real sql, not just the prepared statment? Doctrine a PHP ORM. I am creating a query like this q Doctrine_Query create select 'id' from 'MyTable' and then in the function I'm..
SQL Builder for PHP, with JOIN support? For example with Doctrine you can do joins like this q Doctrine_Query create q from 'User u' leftJoin 'u.Group g' innerJoin 'u.Phonenumber..
Doctrine and unrefreshed relationships Doctrine 1.2.4 query to get back a student with result1 Doctrine_Query create from 'Student s' where ' 1' execute and then extract.. make another query duplicating the first result2 Doctrine_Query create from 'Student s' where ' 1' execute and get its..
Database and query to store and retreive friend list Doctrine query to retreive friend list id follwing friends Doctrine_Query create from 'my_friends as mf' leftJoin 'mf.users as friend'..