php Programming Glossary: cust
PHP - How to parse this xml? of the tags to output the way I want it to... The XML cust rid 999999 memberid 12345 lname Doe fname John address memberid.. phonenumber 415.555.1212 countrycodeid 1 phonetype Mobile custcode memberid 12345 ccode Silver deleted custcode memberid 12345.. Mobile custcode memberid 12345 ccode Silver deleted custcode memberid 12345 ccode Gold cust The Array I want Note the..
Get the maximum value from an element in a multidimensional array? than what I'm posting here 0 stdClass Object id 70 cust 4 dnum 1 upper Array 0 66 1 stdClass Object id 43 cust 42.. cust 4 dnum 1 upper Array 0 66 1 stdClass Object id 43 cust 42 dnum 2 upper Array 0 77 2 stdClass Object id 12 cust.. 42 dnum 2 upper Array 0 77 2 stdClass Object id 12 cust 3 dnum 0 upper Array 0 99 I'm trying to find the maximum..
Group a multidimensional array by a particular value? how I would need to do it even if I did... Array 0 Array cust XT8900 type standard level 1 1 Array cust XT8944 type standard.. Array 0 Array cust XT8900 type standard level 1 1 Array cust XT8944 type standard level 1 2 Array cust XT8922 type premier.. 1 1 Array cust XT8944 type standard level 1 2 Array cust XT8922 type premier level 3 3 Array cust XT8816 type permier..
When should I use MySQLi instead of MySQL?