php Programming Glossary: current_page_url
A problem of a repeated parameter in the pagination links? links Getting current page URL with its parameters current_page_url _SERVER PHP_SELF . isset _SERVER QUERY_STRING .htmlentities.. or before the currentpage xx parameter sign preg_match ' ' current_page_url ' ' ' ' pagination_links '' if not on page 1 don't show back.. show link to go back to page 1 pagination_links . a href ' current_page_url sign currentpage 1' First page a get previous page num prevpage..
Alternative for $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] PHP variable in MSIE information. Get the full URL of the current page function current_page_url page_url 'http' if isset _SERVER 'HTTPS' _SERVER 'HTTPS' 'on'.. current page as next page's referrer _SESSION 'referrer' current_page_url Then to access the referrer just use the referrer variable...