php Programming Glossary: customer_id
MySQL Is there a limit to InnerJoin? ON cust.contact_title_id WHERE order.customer_id ON order.customer_id INNER JOIN SELECT.. WHERE order.customer_id ON order.customer_id INNER JOIN SELECT recip_title.title recipient.forename.. tbl_order id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY id customer_id INT FOREIGN KEY customer_id REFERENCES tbl_customer id ON DELETE..
OpenCart subscription model (x months) model sale customer.php public function addTransaction customer_id description '' amount '' order_id 0 customer_info this getCustomer.. '' amount '' order_id 0 customer_info this getCustomer customer_id if customer_info this db query INSERT INTO . DB_PREFIX . customer_transaction.. query INSERT INTO . DB_PREFIX . customer_transaction SET customer_id ' . int customer_id . ' order_id ' . int order_id . ' description..
Magento upgrade takes too long and never completes AUTO_INCREMENT visitor_id bigint 20 unsigned DEFAULT NULL customer_id int 11 NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' login_at datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT.. datetime DEFAULT NULL last_visit_at datetime DEFAULT NULL customer_id int 10 unsigned DEFAULT NULL last_url varchar 255 DEFAULT NULL.. first_visit_at last_visit_at KEY IDX_CUSTOMER customer_id ENGINE InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET utf8 TRUNCATE report_event TRUNCATE..
Are Dynamic Prepared Statements Bad? (with php + mysqli) code of what I mean array of WHERE conditions param array 'customer_id' 1 'qty' '2' stmt mysqli stmt_init types '' bindParam array.. . key AND count prepare the query SELECT FROM t1 WHERE customer_id AND qty sql SELECT FROM t1 WHERE .substr where 0 strlen where.. .' ' evaluate the command stmt bind_param types p0 param customer_id p1 param qty eval command Is that last eval statement a bad..
Escaping single quote in PHP when inserting into MySQL order_id supplier_id category_id service_id qty_ordered customer_id user_id salesperson_ref booking_ref booking_name address suburb.. ' category_id' ' value 'id' ' ' value 'qty' ' ' customer_id' ' user_id' ' salesperson_ref' ' booking_ref' ' booking_name'..
How to specify several join conditions for 1:1 relationship in Doctrine 2 targetEntity Customer inversedBy cart @JoinColumn name customer_id referencedColumnName id private customer ... This annotation.. represents such sql JOIN Customer c ON cart.customer_id And the issue is that I need to add additional comparison there.. comparison there like JOIN Customer c ON cart.customer_id AND c.anotherField constant Any solutions for that UPD the real..