php Programming Glossary: customized
Decoding JSON in Twig adding an extra method to an entity to retrieve a customized string rather than an entity attribute I thought of and did..
What is a good PHP CMS? [closed] line without any hassle And will also let me add my own customized pages that I have already written. A major site. If i can add..
Upgrade PHP from version 5.2 to 5.3 Apache . I have been using 5.2 for awhile now and have customized many things in php.ini and added some extra extensions. How..
dynamic drop down box? called r . When the HTML is fully built I return the customized code back to the AJAX routine simply by echoing it back echo.. simply by echoing it back echo r The received data the customized SELECT code block is available to us inside the AJAX success.. whatigot And voila you now see a second dropdown control customized with values specific to the choice from the first dropdown control...
Stemming algorithm that produces real words it based on the stemmer input will provide results customized to your texts with the primary drawback being the space required..
Which third party search engine (free) should I use? it would cope with your second requirement however if you customized the tokenized you should be able to do it by treating a change..
What is a Factory Design Pattern in PHP?
PHP syntax highlighting searching for a PHP syntax highlighting engine that can be customized i.e. I can provide my own tokenizers for new languages and that..
Having the option of customized classes but a unified class name the option of customized classes but a unified class name Suppose you are building a..
Are there any PHP DocBlock parser tools available? I would like to build some smaller scale but hightly customized documentation sites for a few projects. PhpDocumentor is pretty..
Open-source parser code for Mediawiki markup in selectively parsing Mediawiki XML markup to generate a customized HTML page that's some subset of the HTML produced by the actual..
Alternative for PHP_excel for PHP_excel which can Export to XLSX XLS file in a customized format This is a General Reference question for the php tag..
How can I get the uploaded file details from uploadify after completion the file to a location through the uploadify.php which I customized. I want this uploadify process to redirect to a page after completed..
How does one use the RDBMS in a performant way on top of Zend_Db_Table? (if at all…) of nail. It's not always the most natural tool for writing customized performant queries with joins. It seems to me that Zend_Db_Table..
Creating a proxy to spoof iPhone user-agent in PHP? 'userAgent' function return 'foo' customized user agent navigator.userAgent 'foo' Source . Also remember..
Symfony2: collection form field type with data-prototype share improve this question This was bugging me too. I customized a field type and even made simple form types with a reduced..