php Programming Glossary: curl_multi_exec
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url..
php - Fastest way to check presence of text in many domains (above 1000) mh curl_array i running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url..
How to prevent server from overloading during Curl requests in PHP [closed] this question You can try using the following using curl_multi_exec it take only 15.519232988358 to check 100 diff domains url i echo PHP_EOL PHP_EOL running NULL do usleep 10000 curl_multi_exec mh running while running 0 res array foreach nodes as i url..
Problem with CURL (Multi) this maxConcurrent running this _moreToDo while exec curl_multi_exec this multiHandle running 1 curl_multi_select this multiHandle..
Malicious php file content [closed] 15 array_fill_keys 15 string 9 curl_init 16 string 15 curl_multi_exec 17 string 10 array_push 18 string 11 curl_setopt 19 string 7.. l__2 iframe_url curl method curl curl_init iframe_url curl_multi_exec won't be executed as the first statement of the if is true if.. 736.6 736.6 736.6 736.6 round 0 312 312 312 round 0 3683 curl_multi_exec _14 the else part is only some other garbage the else is never..
How can I use cURL to open multiple URLs simultaneously with PHP? block and get the number of sites still running in running curl_multi_exec curl_multi_handle running if the number of sites still running..
Reusing the same curl handle. Big performance increase? there is no speed advantage on using the same handle. With curl_multi_exec you can connect to different servers at a same time parallel..
Parallel processing in PHP - How do you do it? Another way I found was using the curl_multi functions. curl_multi_exec PHP docs But I think those 2 ways will add pretty much overhead..
PHP Parallel curl requests true curl_multi_add_handle master curl_arr i do curl_multi_exec master running while running 0 for i 0 i node_count i results..
multiple actions with curl and continue when all are complete running null do curl_multi_exec mh running while running close the handles curl_multi_remove_handle.. requests using the same cURL handle. The problem in using curl_multi_exec in this case is that each curl handle has different options.. options and ch2 does not reference any cookies. Also curl_multi_exec performs the requests in parallel which means you may try to..
php single curl works but multi curl doesn't work? sessions i i data_results array running null do execrun curl_multi_exec mh running while execrun CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM while running.. forever from here if curl_multi_select mh 1 do execrun curl_multi_exec mh running while execrun CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM if execrun.. calls. This is all I did to run the requests. do status curl_multi_exec mh running while status CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM running Then..
Run multiple exec commands at once (But wait for the last one to finish) call that external script multiple times in parallel using curl_multi_exec . That way you'd make all the calls in separate requests so.. periodically until all have completed isRunning null do curl_multi_exec mh isRunning usleep 250000 while isRunning 0 fetch output of..