php Programming Glossary: current_page
Paginate records on Client side issue are class Paginator var items_per_page var items_total var current_page var num_pages var mid_range var low var limit var return var.. var querystring var ipp_array function Paginator this current_page 1 this mid_range 2 this ipp_array array 2 4 6 8 10 'All' this.. num_pages ceil this items_total this items_per_page this current_page isset _GET 'page' int _GET 'page' 1 must be numeric 0 prev_page..
PHP & MySQL Pagination Update Help code that displays the links. if pages 1 echo ' br p ' current_page start display 1 if current_page 1 echo ' a href index.php s.. if pages 1 echo ' br p ' current_page start display 1 if current_page 1 echo ' a href index.php s ' . start display . ' p ' . pages.. . ' p ' . pages . ' Previous a ' for i 1 i pages i if i current_page echo ' a href index.php s ' . display i 1 . ' p ' . pages ...
PHP session doesn't work with IE page. So I set a session variable on each page _SESSION current_page that lets the feed know how to format the clickable photos... server. And lo and behold on the special pages _SESSION current_page is always set to main instead of special1 or special2 . I printed..
Magento get a product collection in an arbitrary order 'in' entity_ids setPageSize results_per_page setCurPage current_page load Is there a way to set the sort order to be the order of..