php Programming Glossary: current_date
Listing diary events grouped by days in PHP/MySQL if STH execute output headers row STH fetch while row current_date row 'entry_date' output current_date initialisation do output.. STH fetch while row current_date row 'entry_date' output current_date initialisation do output event row while row STH fetch and row.. output event row while row STH fetch and row 'entry_date' current_date output current_date termination output footers share improve..
how to subtract two dates and times to get difference this i m using hardcoded value for db just for example current_date_time date Y m d h i s current explode current_date_time current_date.. example current_date_time date Y m d h i s current explode current_date_time current_date current 0 current_time current 1 db_date_time.. date Y m d h i s current explode current_date_time current_date current 0 current_time current 1 db_date_time 2010 07 30 13..
PHP:find day difference between two date(“YmdHis”) reture value.let say one value is previous_date '20101202115755' current_date date YmdHis day_difference Now i need to find the only day difference.. dates to timestamps and then subtract previous_date from current_date and divide by number of seconds in a day. This is an example..
Calculating working hours between two dates Friday working_hours array 8.5 17.5 from 8 30 am to 17 30 current_date date1 beg_h floor working_hours 0 beg_m working_hours 0 60 60.. the very next first working timestamp if in_array date 'w' current_date working_days the current day is not a working day the current.. timestamp is set at the begining of the working day current_date mktime beg_h beg_m 0 date 'n' current_date date 'j' current_date..