php Programming Glossary: curl_multi_getcontent
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker temp img . md5 mt_rand . ext touch temp imageContent curl_multi_getcontent curl_array i file_put_contents temp imageContent if maxHeight..
php - Fastest way to check presence of text in many domains (above 1000) curl_array i if info 'http_code' 200 if stripos curl_multi_getcontent curl_array i text false res info 'url' curl_multi_remove_handle..
How to prevent server from overloading during Curl requests in PHP [closed] 200 echo Status ok for info 'url' Done ^ PHP_EOL content curl_multi_getcontent curl_array i get content else echo Status info 'http_code'..
Problem with CURL (Multi) 'handle' print_r this info multiInfo 'handle' content curl_multi_getcontent multiInfo 'handle' echo this info multiInfo 'handle' 'url' ...
PHP Parallel curl requests running while running 0 for i 0 i node_count i results curl_multi_getcontent curl_arr i print_r results Hope it helps in some way share..
php single curl works but multi curl doesn't work? the loop below while done curl_multi_info_read mh output curl_multi_getcontent done 'handle' if output data_results site_map string done 'handle'.. foreach requests as identifier request returned identifier curl_multi_getcontent request curl_multi_remove_handle mh request curl_close request.. this sessions as identifier request returned identifier curl_multi_getcontent request curl_multi_remove_handle mh request curl_close request..
Run multiple exec commands at once (But wait for the last one to finish) outputs array for i 0 i count handles i outputs i trim curl_multi_getcontent handles i curl_multi_remove_handle mh handles i curl_multi_close..