php Programming Glossary: curl_getinfo
php get all the images from url which width and height >=200 more quicker curl_errno curl_array i if curlErrorCode 0 info curl_getinfo curl_array i ext getExtention info 'content_type' if info..
Ping site and return result in PHP ch CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER true data curl_exec ch httpcode curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE curl_close ch if httpcode 200 httpcode..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] true CURLOPT_URL 'idontexist.tld' curl_exec curl info curl_getinfo curl curl_close curl var_dump info Also returns the same result..
php - Fastest way to check presence of text in many domains (above 1000) curl_errno curl_array i if curlErrorCode 0 info curl_getinfo curl_array i if info 'http_code' 200 if stripos curl_multi_getcontent..
Header only retrieval in php via curl CURLOPT_NOBODY true header curl_exec curl this last_change curl_getinfo header curl_close curl function get_last_change return this.. share improve this question You are passing header to curl_getinfo . It should be curl the curl handle . You can get just the filetime.. by passing CURLINFO_FILETIME as the second parameter to curl_getinfo . Often the filetime is unavailable in which case it will be..
Get mime type of external file using cURL and php php curl mime types share improve this question PHP curl_getinfo php # the request ch curl_init 'http' curl_setopt.. true curl_exec ch # get the content type echo curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE # output text html charset ISO 8859..
another twitter oAuth cURL access token request that fails ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION 1 exec curl_exec ch info curl_getinfo ch curl_close ch print exec print pre print_r info print pre.. post_data response curl_exec ch this http_status curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE this last_api_call url curl_close ch return..
Make curl follow redirects? curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION TRUE return curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL This however returns curl_exec ch ...after setting the options and before the curl_getinfo call. EDIT If you just want to find out where a page redirects..
Easy way to test a URL for 404 in PHP? PHP's curl bindings you can check the error code using curl_getinfo as such handle curl_init url curl_setopt handle CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER.. curl_exec handle Check for 404 file not found . httpCode curl_getinfo handle CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE if httpCode 404 Handle 404 here. curl_close..
C2DM implementation PHP code for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch..
How do I get the HTML code of a web page in PHP? curl_error c die curl_error c Get the status code status curl_getinfo c CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE curl_close c share improve this answer..
Bad Request. Connecting to sites via curl on host and system handle curlDefault html curl_exec handle urlEndpoint curl_getinfo handle CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL echo Verbose information n pre..
How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP? curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_NOBODY true curl_exec ch retcode curl_getinfo ch CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE retcode 400 not found retcode 200 found...