php Programming Glossary: consecutive
Creating your own TinyURL becomes pqmw21 . Similar to Base64 encoding but not using consecutive characters. I actually like using less than 36 characters single..
Implementing goMongoDB-like Query expression object evaluation array path represented as an array where entries are consecutive keys. Homework I found that articles JsonPath could..
Matlab executable too slow take longer to start the first time also reports that consecutive runs should be faster but if you rerun later you will have to..
“vertical” regex matching in an ASCII “image” too much. The second solution is incorrect it matches consecutive lines where two X are above each other. There don't neccessarily..
Removing blank lines from a textarea's output blank lines before exploding works well for any number of consecutive blank lines also see next snippet text preg_replace ' n ' n..
looping a SQL insert statement with dates one column it's the primary key. Next generate 1 million consecutive integers starting at 1. It sounds slow but it actually completes..
Minifying final HTML output using regular expressions with CodeIgniter one t r n f v and zero or more ws s 2 # or two or more consecutive any whitespace. # Note The remaining regex consumes no text.. one t r n f v and zero or more ws s 2 # or two or more consecutive any whitespace. # Note The remaining regex consumes no text..
Cheating PHP integers and accepts 16 bit integers. The array offsets must be consecutive. Not tested. Just as an implementation guide. share improve..
Search matrix for all rectangles of given dimensions (select blocks of seats) free seats The below is my table and the query selects 4 consecutive seats or 15 or whatever which is fine... But what I want to.. from bottom to top and for each seat denote the number of consecutive seats available up to this one repeat until 2 in a second pass.. 2 in a second pass go by rows and look for at least 5 consecutive numbers greater or equal to 3 so finally you get which yields..
Check for consecutive dates within a set and return as range for consecutive dates within a set and return as range I have arrays of dates.. be any combination of dates all of them one of them some consecutive all consecutive etc. I currently have them printing pretty much.. of dates all of them one of them some consecutive all consecutive etc. I currently have them printing pretty much as they're returned...
Wordwrap / Cut Text in HTML string if this charlist return this ltrim this rtrim number of consecutive charcters of charlist from start to direction @param array..
Shortening list of numbers with hyphens between consecutive numbers list of numbers with hyphens between consecutive numbers Is there a simple way to take a list of numbers which.. which can be in the range 1 15. And put a dash in place of consecutive numbers. So that for example if you had the following numbers..