php Programming Glossary: connect_errno
Loading more items from database ~ Infinite Scroll con new mysqli 'localhost' 'root' 'root' 'awards' if con connect_errno die 'Could not connect ' . con connect_error last_id isset _GET..
Creating a site to query a database of tables mysqli DB_HOST DB_USERNAME DB_PASSWORD DB_NAME if search connect_errno echo Failed to connect to MySQL . search connect_errno . ... connect_errno echo Failed to connect to MySQL . search connect_errno . . search connect_error search close keyword trim _GET 'keyword'..
Variables not printing to page database Look for errors or throw an exception if db connect_errno throw new Exception db connect_error db connect_errno Init prepared.. db connect_errno throw new Exception db connect_error db connect_errno Init prepared statement prep db stmt_init Prepared statement..
Simple PHP SQL login troubleshooting localhost 8889 root root derek_website_tmp if mysqli_connect_errno echo failed to connect . mysqli_connect_error Username _POST.. db_name if con connect_error die 'Connect Error ' . con connect_errno . ' ' . con connect_error sql SELECT Username Password FROM..
Is it best practice to try - catch my entire PHP code, or be as specific as possible? public function Open open DB connection ... if this Conn connect_errno throw new fooException Could not connect . this Conn connect_error..
Call to a member function prepare() on a non-object error [duplicate] if db connect_error die 'MySQL connection error ' . db connect_errno . ' ' . db connect_error linkgen new Linkgen db echo linkgen..